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Aquarium Advice Freak
May 15, 2012
Currently just came into a 100 gallon tank and I was wondering if I could mix my. 2 blue gene/gold dempseys and my 2 convicts with 2 Africans and a peacock.
Yeah, I have all of them pluse more in my 125, it gets a little crazy at times but just reorganize some things and it will fix the aggression or add some females threat will help too, you will have alot of room to add more fish
you will have alot of room to add more fish

How many more large aggressive fish would you suggest he puts into that tank? Between a high bioload and aggression issues adding anymore fish to that tank is going to fail.

100g seems like a large tank but when there are 2 fish that are 9"+ and a couple more that are 5-6" it seems rather overcrowded quickly. I would ditch the africans and call your tank stocked, unless you wanted to add a small plec or a small school of target fish.
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Yeah, I have all of them pluse more in my 125, it gets a little crazy at times but just reorganize some things and it will fix the aggression or add some females threat will help too, you will have alot of room to add more fish

This is some of the most blatantly bad advice I've seen in a long time. I don't mind going against the grain with some ideas, but this tank setup is a disaster...and then suggesting adding more fish?

I would either leave the Africans out and do the SA's or leave the SA's out and do some Africans. Bad idea to mix the two!

Jack Dempseys and Convicts are not SA cichlids.
Look, dude has about 70gal taken up with his fish. Which gives him more room to add some if he wanted too. With good filtration the tank would do fine as for the bioload.
As the convicts are concerned they are highly aggressive when breeding even my just about full grown Oscar doesnt go near them. But I have this 125 mixed for over a year and no disaster...
Yeah introducing new fish is a pain but other then that no problems really. Once they all got their own territory things easy up. It's alot of trial and error


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Look, dude has about 70gal taken up with his fish. Which gives him more room to add some if he wanted too. With good filtration the tank would do fine as for the bioload.
As the convicts are concerned they are highly aggressive when breeding even my just about full grown Oscar doesnt go near them. But I have this 125 mixed for over a year and no disaster...
Yeah introducing new fish is a pain but other then that no problems really. Once they all got their own territory things easy up. It's alot of trial and error

What calculation are you using to arrive at "70Gal taken up"? I don't personally subscribe to the notion that stocking should be based on each fish "taking up" a certain volumne of water. That's just a permutation of the inch per gallon rule and no better.

Good filtration is important for handling high amounts of Ammonia, but what HUKIT was referring to above is the high resulting nitrates after the ammonia is processed by the bacteria. Filtration isn't going to solve that problem for you.

p.s. I hope you have a good explanation for that rainbow gravel
Jeremy4208 said:
Look, dude has about 70gal taken up with his fish. Which gives him more room to add some if he wanted too. With good filtration the tank would do fine as for the bioload.
As the convicts are concerned they are highly aggressive when breeding even my just about full grown Oscar doesnt go near them. But I have this 125 mixed for over a year and no disaster...
Yeah introducing new fish is a pain but other then that no problems really. Once they all got their own territory things easy up. It's alot of trial and error

What do you mean by "about 70 gallons taken up with his fish"? You aren't going by inches of fish are you?
I generally do 1gal per inch and add a couple of extra inches in their to make sure not to over stock. But when you keep up on water changes and not over feeding and live plants you dont have to worry about nitrites or nitrates
And your just mad my rainbow rocks look better then your whole tank.
Jeremy4208 said:
Craig, no not really I go by their adult size and add a couple of inches just to be sure

Going by inches is far from reliable, even if you add a few inches. Think about goldfish. Or common plecos. It's silly.
5x5 said:
This is some of the most blatantly bad advice I've seen in a long time. I don't mind going against the grain with some ideas, but this tank setup is a disaster...and then suggesting adding more fish?

Jack Dempseys and Convicts are not SA cichlids.

True that. My bad, I have always mixed up CA & SA fish even though I know better.
How often do you test your water parameters, what tests do you perform and what kind of test kit do you use?
True well y'all do what y'all do, I know what works in mine and has for a long time. But i do know that my tank is different and goes against a lot things but it does work for me maybe not for y'all
Things got hectic for a minute there.......so I'm gonna leave out the Africans and just keep the other 4 by themselves. Ya I don't like the inch per gallon rule, I go by size of fish and what they would be happier swimming around in. I know convicts get aggressive when breeding, I have a 55 that I'm trying to get re sealed and ready but for the time being, I have to use what I got.......thank you guys for the input
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