To be honest, Oscars can be aggressive towards other SA cichlids of smaller sizes while not really being an overly aggressive fish in general. ( I've raised and bred many Oscars only to find out that their reputation is poorly discussed in the hobby.) Peacock bass species on the other hand are more aggressive fish. In order to get a good harmonious tank, you would need to get Oscars that are larger than the Bass but not large enough to eat the smaller Bass. You would also need to add A LOT of hiding spots that can not be used by all the fish in order to help protect the smaller fish while giving the larger fish a place to call " home".
That all said, I have not kept the kelerbi personally but the " word on the street
" is that they have multiple personality syndrome.
Some get extremely aggressive towards any fish, including other kelerbi, that are smaller than themselves while others do fine with everybody until it's feeding time. So if you are going to mix the 2 species, the kelerbi would be the ones to choose since they get about the same size as the Oscars but again, be forewarned that it could go South at any moment.