Mollies Dying?

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Okay those two weak ones died overnight... Since I changed the water 3 have died... That's great compared to the horrific rate I was going 2 days ago. At one point there were 6 an hour... YIKES! I was about to give up and say no more breeding and just let the adults give birth in the tank and every fish for himself.., (sigh... Couldn't probably do that anyway! Don't think I could watch my carnivorous betta stalk little babies...)
We'll see what happens... There's only one weak one at the moment.
I noticed that a few of the remaining Silver Mollies have one black eye.... Other eye is white with black speck as usual... Does this indicate anything?
Mumma.of.two said:

What the heck??! They've got every symptom of weird stuff! That Dalmatian baby in 1st pic used to be bright white! Gray and black now...
And I don't know what this whitish band on 2nd pic is
ocminpin said:
What the heck??! They've got every symptom of weird stuff! That Dalmatian baby in 1st pic used to be bright white! Gray and black now...
And I don't know what this whitish band on 2nd pic is

That all sounds horrible! Im sorry about ur fishies, and ur puppy too..
ocminpin said:
What the heck??! They've got every symptom of weird stuff! That Dalmatian baby in 1st pic used to be bright white! Gray and black now...
And I don't know what this whitish band on 2nd pic is

Look into bacterial infections/diseases, fungus, everything! It HAS to be a disease of some sort. I can't think of anything else it could be.
Mumma.of.two said:
Look into bacterial infections/diseases, fungus, everything! It HAS to be a disease of some sort. I can't think of anything else it could be.

The one that was lying on rocks now has it's fins out to it's side unable to move them. It is still breathing but got caught up in movement of fish rushing to eat and got swept a few inches over and then bounced on the rocks and landed...

Update: died..
Been googling a bit on some this. The problem is just in this one tank, right? Prior to this happening had you introduced anything new into the tank that could have carried a disease? New plant, fish or invertebrate from an outside source?
Well it's got to be a disease since you cleaned the tank and water. I just don't know what. It's very frustrating. I'll research as much as I can today too.
Knew this was coming... My girlfriend blames the fact I got a test kit and f'd with the fish for what's happening and their massive deaths. Says they were fine until I got the test kit at Christmas.
Why do I bother trying to explain anything to her?

5 more deaths over night.
I'm wondering if it's side effects of steadily drastically high nitrates in the past... They read 160+ my first test and I brought them down to 40 over 3-4 days....
Sisserydoo said:
Well it's got to be a disease since you cleaned the tank and water. I just don't know what. It's very frustrating. I'll research as much as I can today too.

Thank you... It means a lot you care to help so much :)
I'm thinking side effects of steady high nitrates...
Ponch said:
Been googling a bit on some this. The problem is just in this one tank, right? Prior to this happening had you introduced anything new into the tank that could have carried a disease? New plant, fish or invertebrate from an outside source?

Sadly I noticed in my newborn 10g tank a few of them hanging around top of the water and spiraling on end...
Then they swim normally and act as they usually do. No deaths there over night and all normal...
I would disinfect everything that's come into contact with the sick tank. You don't want to cross contaminate between tanks. I'm sorry you've lost more. :( is it possible to inspect inside the mouth and gills of recently deceased to see if you can spot something abnormal?

I'm thinking (if you can afford it) that you could buy 2-3 different medications, separate the fish into groups and treat. If one group shows improvement then you can treat the rest with the same.
Mumma.of.two said:
I would disinfect everything that's come into contact with the sick tank. You don't want to cross contaminate between tanks. I'm sorry you've lost more. :( is it possible to inspect inside the mouth and gills of recently deceased to see if you can spot something abnormal?

I'm thinking (if you can afford it) that you could buy 2-3 different medications, separate the fish into groups and treat. If one group shows improvement then you can treat the rest with the same.

I've used my net in all 4 tanks...
I rinse both sides of net after continually flushing fish...

Can't afford that right now... Behind on phone, gas, electric & cable, and my car broke down... spent $550 at vet last Monday.
Waiting on my check to play a little catch up.

Hmmm only med I have is Melafix
ocminpin said:
I've used my net in all 4 tanks...
I rinse both sides of net after continually flushing fish...

Can't afford that right now... Behind on phone, gas, electric & cable, and my car broke down... spent $550 at vet last Monday.
Waiting on my check to play a little catch up.

Hmmm only med I have is Melafix

:( I'm sorry. Its tuff I know. :(
Are you still getting the marine salt? If there is a bacteria causing all this it could get killed off by the salt. :) I don't see melafix doing squat to tell you the truth.
Mumma.of.two said:
:( I'm sorry. Its tuff I know. :(
Are you still getting the marine salt? If there is a bacteria causing all this it could get killed off by the salt. :) I don't see melafix doing squat to tell you the truth.

That's why I didn't waste the Melafix... :)
Yes will get the instant ocean... Check will come sometime in the next week... Hopefully less than a week
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