Mollies Dying?

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From your posts It seems like u r handling this pretty well. Imagine it must be stressful, especially the contingency planning.

Did you say your tap water has nitrates? If so that really sucks bc PWCs never really get rid of that nitrate problem. Going forward it would be great to figure a way around that issue like replenishing with a cheap bottled water or something. If you didn't have multiple tanks that might be feasible... Or maybe that could be the plan for fry tanks only...

Are you still considering going brackish? Think I read somewhere that it's a lot harder for bad bacteria / parasites ? to live in brackish water ... So that may be a viable go forward defense plan as well.
Ponch said:
From your posts It seems like u r handling this pretty well. Imagine it must be stressful, especially the contingency planning.

Did you say your tap water has nitrates? If so that really sucks bc PWCs never really get rid of that nitrate problem. Going forward it would be great to figure a way around that issue like replenishing with a cheap bottled water or something. If you didn't have multiple tanks that might be feasible... Or maybe that could be the plan for fry tanks only...

Are you still considering going brackish? Think I read somewhere that it's a lot harder for bad bacteria / parasites ? to live in brackish water ... So that may be a viable go forward defense plan as well.

I'm going to look into Purigen. A member on here has had great luck adding it to her filter. I'm also going to work on planting my tanks. I've been able to get down to 10 ppm Nitrates. I'm not going to spend money on the bottled water... Too much.
The plan for brackish was for this fry tank only .. Then I was wondering what problems id have putting newborns in a brackish tank when their mother is in a FW.
I'm not going to make my main tank backish. I don't want to move the betta after all this trouble acclimating her. No signs of any trouble in that tank.
I just don't know what could have happened here... I went from shock to sad to knowing it would stop overnight to frustration to anger and now back to sadness. I just wish if they are all going to go, to do it so there's less suffering and I can get everything bleached and have the tank empty.
I'm getting really discouraged... I think I want to downsize and just blend the 7 platy babies with my newborn mollies in another tank who are healthy.
3 tanks instead of 4 and put the extra 10g in the closet. :-(
Well Molly's can live in saltwater or freshwater tanks a lot of people don't know that. With that said try adding aquarium salt to the tank. If its a parasite or bacterial infection dump all filter media with a water change. Only rely on bio life from gravel to revive your live filter.

Aquarium salt
Full media change in filter
Anti bacterial wash for filter/ hoses/ propeller
EMD1 said:
Well Molly's can live in saltwater or freshwater tanks a lot of people don't know that. With that said try adding aquarium salt to the tank. If its a parasite or bacterial infection dump all filter media with a water change. Only rely on bio life from gravel to revive your live filter.

Aquarium salt
Full media change in filter
Anti bacterial wash for filter/ hoses/ propeller

When I had them in the 20g tank last week I added 1 tsp of aquarium salt dissolved in tank water and I lost 15-20 fish that night.
Next day I moved remaining fish into 10g thinking maybe it was the tank. I tossed the filter cartridge and bleached the 20g tank and all accessories.
The 10g they are in now was completely fine before them. The death rate lately is about 6 per day.
I'm down to 24 (I counted) out of 80ish. I'll do aquarium salt but I'm afraid to. Tempted to just do it though... What do I have to lose? I've already lost the majority of 4 batches of fish... :-(
Oh and there's not much live anything in my gravel. The tank was used for a betta for about 2 wks... He doesn't have much waste and no food waste. ... Gravel was clean and tank sparkling...
I was really scared to try the salt at first, so I totally understand that. I'd never kept a salt water tank, so it just seemed very counterintuitive to put salt in there. I kept thinking that it would burn their little eyes or something! :) I feel a little silly saying that now! The difference has been amazing. The only molly I keep in my freshwater tank now is the one who was getting attacked by the guppies. She has to stay in the other tank for her own safety!
I think the last salt addition was a coincidence. I've recently dosed my sick Molly in qt with a lit more salt than you did and she healed herself in almost 24 hours! Not saying you will have miraculous results but worth trying.
They had ammo and nitrites tonight..
Doing a 50% PWC...
I added 1 tablespoon aq salt earlier today.. How much do I put back in after a 50% PWC??
ocminpin said:
They had ammo and nitrites tonight..
Doing a 50% PWC...
I added 1 tablespoon aq salt earlier today.. How much do I put back in after a 50% PWC??

If you take put half the water then you taken out half the salt. So 1/2 tablespoon back in.
Mumma.of.two said:
If you take put half the water then you taken out half the salt. So 1/2 tablespoon back in.

Thought so.. Just checking... I want to get them up to the recommended 1 tbsp per 5 gal... They're in the 10g
I did an 80% PWC and results were:

Ph- 7.4
Ammo- 0 ppm
Nitrite- 0 ppm
Nitrate- 10 ppm
Is it really possible to bring it from 80 to 10?? Test was done super careful as usual... So results are accurate.
ocminpin said:
I did an 80% PWC and results were:

Ph- 7.4
Ammo- 0 ppm
Nitrite- 0 ppm
Nitrate- 10 ppm
Is it really possible to bring it from 80 to 10?? Test was done super careful as usual... So results are accurate.

If you did 50% PWC and had zero in your tap trates would come down to 40. Doing some quick fuzzy math ... If the tap water did not have trates this time ( for some reason) its possible to get down to 10
Let's look at the brighter side of things here with this death tank...
I have noticed for the last several days THREE fish who appear strong and not exhibiting stress symptoms. They are the only ones of normal weight without curvature of spine and fully rounded bellies. Most all others are caved in at the top (like an emaciated horse) and sunken bellies. The others seem too far gone at this point and just dying slowly a few at a time.

Let's bring hope for the Trio:

4 1/2 mth old Dalmatian Molly (Maggie's)
4 mth old Dalmatian Molly (Cruella's)
11 wk old Silver Molly (Charger's).

These fish greet me at the front of the tank, rush to eat, and have been seen occasionally pecking at near dead ones...

Say they make it... I should leave them in QT for how long? 2 mths? If no symptoms after that and all is well, are they adoptable to someone else?
Glad to hear there are three looking good, I don't know about qt etx sorry but personally if they were mine I would want to keep them after everything they went through! :D
maestromad said:
Glad to hear there are three looking good, I don't know about qt etx sorry but personally if they were mine I would want to keep them after everything they went through! :D
Thank you! I'm happy too!
The thought is there... :) I know for sure I
Don't want another tank... the tank my 6 yr old is earning is only a 10g and he wants 2 of the baby platies.
My 20g has the 2 platies & betta...
My 29g is fully stocked with 5 mollies, betta & otos

What would I do with them? 3 mollies can't live in a 10g :-(
maestromad said:
Oh no, hopefully you could find a really nice person to have them :)

I'm in dog rescue and dog training.. Maybe I can train the mollies in fish agility and we'll be rich and they can buy their own tank! :-D
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