Molly problems

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Sep 2, 2019
Hi i have a 65 litre tank which has 4 mollies. I have just recently found out that they are two males and two females. I did a bit if research and found out that i should have three males for each female. I don’t know if i should return one male for a female. I also have a pregnant female which is close to giving birth but have never had a pregnant fish before since i started a tropical two months ago (there are also 6 female guppies in there). I was wondering what method is best when she is giving birth because i have heard that breeding boxes are bad but i also don want the other fish to eat the babies. Any advice?
I would definitely swap 1 or both of the males for females. If you have enough hiding spots for the fry a lot of them will survive. I reccomend floating plants or mosses. Guppies don't really eat the fry as far as I know so you would only have to worry about the mollies eating them.
Have a backup plan for those fry though, you dont want your tank too overstocked.
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