Molly sickness

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Dec 30, 2011
HI!! My Molly,Tidbit, has been sick lately. At first I thought she would die that day showing symptoms of a dying fish by swimming upside down, and stick straight up. It's a swimming problem and I'm really worried. This has been going on for four long days now. I can't even look at her and she hardly eats. Please help me.
how is your water - what size tank? who else is in there? what have you done so far?
HeatherW said:
how is your water - what size tank? who else is in there? what have you done so far?

Well the water is fine just a little cloudy but all my other mollies and platties seem to do fine.
HeatherW said:
how is your water - what size tank? who else is in there? what have you done so far?

Ohh yeah it's a 29 gallon with three platties And three mollies with platty babies( about 8-9) and a plecostomus no real plants though I have air stones
how long has the tank been set up? is it cycled?
actual parameter numbers please - ammonia, Ph, nitrAtes, nitrites ( what type of test kit)
when did you add the fish? how many at a time? and did you acclimate them?
what type of filter do you have?
what's the temp of your water?

what type of pleco is it?
rreekers said:
how long has the tank been set up? is it cycled?
actual parameter numbers please - ammonia, Ph, nitrAtes, nitrites ( what type of test kit)
when did you add the fish? how many at a time? and did you acclimate them?
what type of filter do you have?
what's the temp of your water?

what type of pleco is it?

My tank has been set up since around Christmas I don't know the exact date though. Yes it's cycles. I'm getting my water tested now at a lfs. I added the fish two weeks after setting up the tank. It already had three fish in it . Two platies and one Molly. I thought my Molly was lonely so I got two more platties and two mollies, including the now sick one. I let their bags sit in the water for about 45 minutes and then set them loose. I have a 30 gallon quiet flow and the temp of my tank at the time is about 81 degrees
rreekers said:
how long has the tank been set up? is it cycled?
actual parameter numbers please - ammonia, Ph, nitrAtes, nitrites ( what type of test kit)
when did you add the fish? how many at a time? and did you acclimate them?
what type of filter do you have?
what's the temp of your water?

what type of pleco is it?

Ohh it's a high fin plecostomus it's really small though
fishlover101 said:
My tank has been set up since around Christmas I don't know the exact date though. Yes it's cycles. I'm getting my water tested now at a lfs. I added the fish two weeks after setting up the tank. It already had three fish in it . Two platies and one Molly. I thought my Molly was lonely so I got two more platties and two mollies, including the now sick one. I let their bags sit in the water for about 45 minutes and then set them loose. I have a 30 gallon quiet flow and the temp of my tank at the time is about 81 degrees

lower the temp to around 78

to acclimate yo need to add tank water to the floating bag. about 1/2-3/4 cup every 10-15 mins till the volume is doubled. (1/2 pet store water, 1/2 your tank water)

regardless of the pleco size you need to rehome him. you can get a pleco that's appropriate of your tank size.

let us know what the actual parameter numbers are

what filter do you have?
OK, still not quite enough information to deal with. do you know if you are still getting ammonia and nitrites in your water? I am going to guess that you are. I would say you need to do at least a 50% WC and continue to do this for the next several days. make sure you temp match and condition your water.

what is your current water changing schedule?
You really need to get yourself your own test kit (liquid). it will make this so much easier. $15 -20 online - try amazon
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