More Amazing Pics from D

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travis simonson

Aquarium Advice Addict
Dec 19, 2004
Englewood, CO
I'm posting these pics here because I think that they belong in the planted tank forum. I wish I could say that these were my plants but they're from my friend Donna's tank. And just her grow out tank, not her display tank. Unfortunately Donna is not a forum poster so she isn't likely to share her secrets with us, but I thought you'd enjoy the amazing vibrant growth that she manages to get with seemingly little effort. Green thumb I guess :p

The first shot is of some beautiful Rotala wallichii that I gave up on trying to keep alive and gave to D. This is what she did with the scraggly survivors from my tank. Just sick . . .


This is an extremely rare stem plant called Hemigraphis traian that shows incredible purple leaves when it's happy. Looks quite happy to me :)


Probably the most amazing looking Alternanthera I have ever seen.


Beautiful, healthy, lush Cryptocoryne wendtii "Green Gecko" foliage.


And a final gratuitous shot of an MTS having lunch :)


Enjoy :D
Nice Pics Travis, Mind telling me what camera/lens you using. I just picked up a minolta 5D with a 105mm Macro and have found out that macro photography is not easy.

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