More Water Woes

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jul 15, 2003
Virginia, USA
As some of you lovely people may know, I recently did a 10 gallon water change (25%) using Deer Park Spring water. Now, I don't know if these two events are related, but when I came home yesterday, the tank was completely covered in brown yukky stuff. What a mess!! My protien skimmer is working overtime! Now, I don't know if it was the Deer Park water that caused this brown algae to form overnight, but just to be safe, I decided that spring water might not be the right way to go. (That, and the fact that many here said it was not a good idea for a reef tank)

So, I decided to go back to the tap water DI filter I bought from the LFS when I started my aquarium. It is only 3 weeks old, and has only processed about 50 gallons of water total. The directions say to set the flow rate so that it will fill 1 cup in about 25 to 30 seconds. I did that.

I filled a bucket (clean) with one gallon of this filtered DI water, and then added salt, and brought it to 1.022 SG and 78 degrees F.

Then I did all my tests on this water - I wanted to make sure it was usable as replacement water. The results were SHOCKING!!

pH = 8.2
Amonia = 2.0
Nitrites = 0
Nitrates = 0
Calcium = 400mg/L
Phosphates 0.2
KH = 180ppm
GH = 1300ppm

Amonia of 2.0! I don't understand why it would be so high from filtered water. I did mix the salt in with the same metal measuring cup I used to measure the salt. Could stiring the mixture with a metal cup cause this reading?? Should I have run the tests on a larger batch (i.e. 5 gallons)??

And KH and GH are wicked high. They are also high in the tank.

How do I lower KH and GH? These hardness numbers are pretty confusing to me.

I'm at the end of my rope. I can't use water from the tap. I can't use spring water. And it looks like I can't use water from this DI filter, either. This can't be that hard. I find it hard to believe that every saltwater aquarium owner in the world has an RO filter installed in their home. It isn't supposed to be this hard. Anybody have suggestions? What am I doing wrong?

Thanks in advance for your patience! :)

Todd, "It being hard is what makes it great, if it were easy, everyone would be doing it." :D
Not everyone one has a RO unit, Like myself. But those of us who do not, want one very badly.
There are many department and grocery stores in my area that have RO water for sale in those "bring your own jug" machines. Ask the manager how the water is filtered.
Your DI filter will not remove ammonia.
My two cents: the men and women here are very smart. I said " it can not be that hard. Many failures later, I started to listen to the experts. Very happy fish now!
A friend put it to me best: To the fish in that tank you are god, on day one you created their planet. the second day, let there be water. Day three, let there be light.. Day 4, let the earth spring forth mountains. Day five, he created the first fish. day six, the great water change. on day seven, he rests. The marine aquarium gods days last about one week. LOL.
It took millions of years to make our oceans just right for these little guys.
No one ever said playing god was easy.
But, man when you get got it.
Could not have made thru creation without you!
Have a wonderfilled day!!
ewisner said:
Your DI filter will not remove ammonia.

I just read the instructions that came with the DI filter, and it says that it does indeed remove Ammonium (NH4+). I wonder if the filter is shot already.

ewisner said:
There are many department and grocery stores in my area that have RO water for sale in those "bring your own jug" machines. Ask the manager how the water is filtered.

This may be the way to go - good idea!

Also, about the GH testing, I just read on my testing kit that GH testing is not recommended on saltwater. Is this true?? and how do I LOWER my KH??

Thanks to all!

Here is a link to the current water filter I am using. The description states that it removes amonia.

mabie I just need new filter media, but Ive onlyh processed about 50 gallons on this one. . .

*sigh* I paid $70 for it at the LFS I went to. Perhaps I should return it and trade up to a RO/DI unit....... I feel like i'm spinning . . . where did all my money go! :)

i don't know much about SW (just reading here, i have a FW currently)
but R/O water is readily available at most super markets where i live (MI).
you can bring in the big 2.5G jugs, and fill for like $.50 a gallon.
i'm not sure how much RO units go for, but that might be cheaper, atleast in the short run? good luck :D
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