Moss balls

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Dec 28, 2015
I have a living moss ball are the good with betta fish should I put him in my new tank or get a fake one? Or do they do the same thing? New to aquariums lol!? also what fish do best with male/female betta


Meet the new member to my tankImageUploadedByAquarium Advice1451371560.700948.jpg

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Wait wrong picture lol this is the new betta to my tank ImageUploadedByAquarium Advice1451372322.972092.jpg

His name is king

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Oooooo pretty! I have a nano moss ball, a pinch of java moss, a short stem of hornwort and some sort of low light fern in with my betta. He likes swimming in the stems of the fern.
He is pretty! I will try the plants you suggested! Hopefully king will do well and live for a while

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