most of my fish, can you help with identiy?

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+ 1 to matt.. i have just been to the most awesomest private breeders place and the labs had egg spots..

personally ( iam probably wrong) i thought the egg spots were on most mouth brooders.. the female thinks they are more eggs and tries to pick them up and the male releases the sperm... blam, babies lol

labs with stripes on the other hand...:rolleyes:
I agree with mattrox, I dont think the lab is a hybrid... but, who knows? Its very possible that almost every african you get is hybrid in one way or another. Without getting wild caught, or buying from a breeder who has wild caught, its really hard to guarantee anything
I would have NEVER known that! Thanks! Kinda interesting. :p

I would expect that about half of our fish in this tank are potentially hybrids since they came out of 'assorted cichlid' tanks at our LFS. The other half or so we bought from a more reputable store. Some we bought with an actual species known. (till we forgot anyway) A lot of the peacock females we bought out of the 'female tank' at that store. Probably not hybrids, but we don't know the species. We aren't really intending to breed in this tank, if we get babies we get babies but we're not actively trying to breed so we aren't bothered by hybrids in this tank. The eventual 'research tank' will be a lot more strictly controlled!

When you buy from a tank labeled "Assorted Cichlids", Its usually all hybrids.
That's why I say they're potentially hybrids. I don't expect purity out of 'assorted cichlid' tanks.
In those mixed tanks you also get fish that the wholesalers/breeders have lost the identity of as juveniles and can't wait for them to colour up to sell them as a named type. They accidently get mixed then throw in a few hybrids and any fish that varies in colouration from the 'text book' etc. You can get some true to type fish. You just have to be able to identify them.

Crosses between colour varieties are technically not hybrids.

In the case of yellow labs, they have been tank bred so long that worrying about different locations crossing is a moot point.
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