moving a crocea

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jul 12, 2004
Omaha Nebraska
I have a crocea clam that is attached to a rock with the little threads on the bottom side of the clam. Is it ok to move the clam (aka break the threads) ? Or is it bad to break the threads? I do not need to move the clam, but it would be better for my tank if I could.
It's not the threads you really need to worry about but the bysal gland. It's like a fleshy "foot" used to solidly attach the clam to hard surfaces. If torn or damaged, the clam most times will not survive.

I would advise against it, too risky unless you very sure of the foot.

They do best when attached to something. You don't necessarily need to place them on your rockwork though. For ease of movement, you can place them on a small flat rock or the ½ shell of another bivalve. A well cleaned oyster shell or clam will do. That way the live clam is happily attached and you have the freedom to move it as needed.

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