Tank move help

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Mar 22, 2024
United States
Hello everyone.

I’m moving house! I have finally become a homeowner & the new house is about a 10-minute drive from the place I’m currently in.

So, I have a 140L tank and it’s HEAVY. Obviously. It’s stocked with gourami, pleco, Cory’s & rummy nose.

I know I’ll have to drain the tank and transport it in buckets (the fish).

Any advice? Has anyone moved with a large tank & knows the best ideas?
Hello everyone.

I’m moving house! I have finally become a homeowner & the new house is about a 10-minute drive from the place I’m currently in.

So, I have a 140L tank and it’s HEAVY. Obviously. It’s stocked with gourami, pleco, Cory’s & rummy nose.

I know I’ll have to drain the tank and transport it in buckets (the fish).

Any advice? Has anyone moved with a large tank & knows the best ideas?
My only addition to the info from the link Aiken posted is to use strofoam under the tank. As stated, when a tank has been set up for a while in one position, when you move it, the glass can shift and sometimes it's enough to cause a leak. By using the styro, it allows the tank to settle to it's strengths without resistance.

Good luck with your move and the new house. (y)
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