Moving aquarium to new home. need advice

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Mar 11, 2014
Akron, Ohio
So Im moving to a new house in about a month and I was wondering if you guys had any tips for me about my moving my 29gal. setup. The house is only 15 minutes away from where I live now.
I just moved a tank myself. Go to Lowes or Home Depot and get enough Food Safe 5 gallon buckets with lids to transport most of your water. You can put your fish in one of them, I used a battery operated air pump with an airstone to keep them happy during the drive. Use plastic bags for your substrate and ornaments. Do Not clean your filters, keep the media wet. Put everything back together ASAP and you should be ok. All of your beneficial bacteria will still be there if its a pretty quick move. The fish might be stressed a bit but they should recover.
In the days before moving the tank I would do a couple of good deep gravel cleans, syphoning out as much gunk as possible. I dose the tank with prime in case I disturb ammonia pockets. On the move day, after emptying most of the water and fish etc wash the remaining gravel in the remaining tank water. Syphon out the dirty water and dispose of.
I have found that the gravel/substrate move (if it has to be disturbed) has caused more problems than the fish and filters. Ammonia went through the roof. Prime will help in the short term until WCs have diluted ammonia to safe levels.
Your filters if transported in tank water will be fine and soon remedy the situation should it arise.
Good luck with the move.
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