my 108L with DIY fry basket.

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Apr 10, 2010
Hampshire, UK
unfortunately my camera phone sucks but here you go anyway...
heres my molly fry in the net basket i made.
i cant fit the whole tank in the picture and the phone takes too long to get a decent picture of the fish. think i might steal someones camera and get some decent shots.


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Well i can say they will grow out in that. What kind of fry are they?
mollies. 2 from a dalmation mum, 2 from a black mum (they snuck in when i bought the adults) and then theres 14 from a greeny silver mum who gave birth when i got her home. theres still 3 loose in the tank. i cant catch them but thankfully neither can anyone else in the tank!
they were in their own tank but i had a blonde moment and set the pump lower than the tank without a backflow valve..... and so while im waiting for a new pump i thought id better rig something up so i could put them in the MT without them becoming lunch.
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