My 150g Riparium... (Picture heavy)

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Mar 8, 2010
Well since I'm new here figured I would go ahead and get my journal started of my setup. I've been working on the details of this setup for 6 months and finally put my plans into action in late Janurary. This tank is a species only tank for now with the upcoming addition of a few Malaysian Trumpet Snails, Assassin Snails to keep the MTS in check, Tiger Shrimp. Water is a black water setup and biotopish for the fish. Specifications of the system are below.


150g All Glass Reef Ready with the overflows removed for the use of hidden canisters.
All Glass Standard Pine Stand
3 Viper 70 watt MH equiped with Phillips Mastercolour 4200k 92CRI bulbs
2 Eheim 2213 Classics upgraded to not white baskets but with lattice screens like its bigger brothers.
2 Hydor Inline Heaters
TurboTwist 3x 9 watt UV
2 2" Clear PVC CO2 Reactors - 1 is installed the other gets installed tomorrow when the other piece of clear PVC arrives.
GLA custom dual needle valve/ bubble counter setup on a Smith regualtor
Cal Aqua Labs Double Check Drop Checker


ADA Xingu Sand
White Oak Hardwood from the Appalachain Mountains planters
Indian Almond Leave


25 Betta Albimarginata (3 pairs and 19 Juvies all F1)

Submerged Flora:

Anubias 'Gold'
Apongeton sp.

Emmersed Flora:

Various Spathiphyllum sp (Peace Lillies)
Bacopa Madagarensis
Peacock Moss
Mini Pellia
African Violets
Cryptosperm Johnstonii
Dwarf Green
Limnophilia Aromatica
Many, many more.

Now for the pictures.

Removing the Overflow boxes, tough job in a 30" tall tank:





The start of plumbing:






CO2 setup before I sent it back to be upgraded to dual output so I can feed both sides of the tank:



The ballast rack under the stand and super organizing the cords:





Locks installed to keep the little one out of where he shouldn't be:




Painting the back and siliconing the wood into the tank, won't come out now:



Lights installed, silicone dry, back painted awaiting the help to move it to move it into place:




Substrate in place:




Modification of the planters for use on a huge setup, many thanks to Devin at Riparium Supply for hte time and help getting this project off the ground:






Initial layout of the tank ran out of plants and had to await another order to arrive:




As it looks from earlier today:










Ths will catch everyone up to present moment!

Wonderful! What types of fauna do you have in there?

Currently 15 Betta Albimarginata, I've got 10 more arriving tomorrow morning to give me a total of 25 fish. They come out from about 1/2 hour before lights on and stay in sihgt for about 3 hours then go back into the darkenss which they spend most of there day.

Picture of a Juvie, a couple of the little males have started to show there coloring but are hard to get pictures of:


what kind of lights are those? they look like leds to me. very nice setup, looks like you gave alot of attention to even the smallest details while setting it up. I look forward to more pictures :)
what kind of lights are those? they look like leds to me. very nice setup, looks like you gave alot of attention to even the smallest details while setting it up. I look forward to more pictures :)

Nope not LEDs, they are JBJ Viper 70 watt MH kits. I swapped out the stock bulbs for some Phillips Mastercolour 4200k 92 CRI bulbs. Gives it a nice daylight look.

Just received my custom regulator back today. Here are the specs of it:

Smith Regulator Body
Custom GLA solenoid
2 Custom GLA Fabco NV-55 - These are custom done with a larger body and threading comapred to the stock one
2 Bubble counters
4 Clippard Brass Check Valves






Thanks to Orlando at for the speedy service. Sent it back last Wednesday for the dual upgrade treatment and got it back this morning.

WOW, I dont think you know how jealous I am right looks absolutely amazing. Once I get my house, and some money saved up I would like to do something similar to this. Looks wonderful, will be following this thread :p.
WOW, I dont think you know how jealous I am right looks absolutely amazing. Once I get my house, and some money saved up I would like to do something similar to this. Looks wonderful, will be following this thread :p.

Thanks, I will try to update with some fresh pictures in a few days as I just added the rest of the fish yesterday, once they settle in I should be able to get some decent pictures.

Thanks, I will try to update with some fresh pictures in a few days as I just added the rest of the fish yesterday, once they settle in I should be able to get some decent pictures.


I dont know if this is too personal, I dunno some people are weird, but how much did the whole setup. By setup I mean equipment, tank etc, not the fish substrate and decorations.
I dont know if this is too personal, I dunno some people are weird, but how much did the whole setup. By setup I mean equipment, tank etc, not the fish substrate and decorations.

You may want to sit down before you read this, this is by no means a cheap setup. I put alot of time and planning into this tank to get what I wanted and that is I wanted a huge display tank that both my wife, little one and I could enjoy. I didn't spare any expense upfront to change it latter on down the road at a loss as you can never sell it for what you paid for it.

Here is a break down:

Tank, stand, glass tops: $1002.00
Paint for the back, bulkheads, misc plumbing, Clear PVC for the reactor: $300
Filter, UV, Inline heaters, extra SubtratPro, Eheim 2213 lattice screens: $420
Electrical Wiring, timers, wire organizing parts: $125
Light Fixtures and Bulbs: $520
CO2 regulator, check valves, CO2 tank, drop checker: $530
Driftwood with shipping: $250
ADA Xingu Sand Substrate: $230
Riparium plant hangers and plants both submerged and emmersed: $700
Testing equipement, water conditioners, almond leaves, black water treatment, dry fertilizers and root tabs: $150
Betta Albimarginata: $ALOT

There may be a few other things not included which would include small plant purchases, the upcoming introduction of Blue Tiger Shrimp, extended maintence of replacing bulbs.

The servicing on this tank is super easy as I don't have to lift a bucket once or hook up a python. I have a 50g trash can that I use to hold aged RO water for my tank. To change the water I shut off a filter and turn the disconnects to seperate the lines. I prime the hose from my holdign tank to remove the air and this gets attached to the filter intake side of the disconnect. This allows the water to run through my filter and heater prior to going to the tank. Also eliminates having to have another pump as the filter fills the tank for me. For draining the tank I hook a hose the the drain side of the tanks bulkhead and set the hose outside and open the valve. This allows the tank to drain itself and I can stop it at any point that I need. Once complete I hook the 2 disconnects back together and turn the pump on adn everything is back to normal. I can change approximately 50% of hte water in 15-20 minutes at a nice slow pace that doesn't affect the fish or planting of the tank.

Let me know if you have any other questions.

You may want to sit down before you read this, this is by no means a cheap setup. I put alot of time and planning into this tank to get what I wanted and that is I wanted a huge display tank that both my wife, little one and I could enjoy. I didn't spare any expense upfront to change it latter on down the road at a loss as you can never sell it for what you paid for it.

Here is a break down:

Tank, stand, glass tops: $1002.00
Paint for the back, bulkheads, misc plumbing, Clear PVC for the reactor: $300
Filter, UV, Inline heaters, extra SubtratPro, Eheim 2213 lattice screens: $420
Electrical Wiring, timers, wire organizing parts: $125
Light Fixtures and Bulbs: $520
CO2 regulator, check valves, CO2 tank, drop checker: $530
Driftwood with shipping: $250
ADA Xingu Sand Substrate: $230
Riparium plant hangers and plants both submerged and emmersed: $700
Testing equipement, water conditioners, almond leaves, black water treatment, dry fertilizers and root tabs: $150
Betta Albimarginata: $ALOT

There may be a few other things not included which would include small plant purchases, the upcoming introduction of Blue Tiger Shrimp, extended maintence of replacing bulbs.

The servicing on this tank is super easy as I don't have to lift a bucket once or hook up a python. I have a 50g trash can that I use to hold aged RO water for my tank. To change the water I shut off a filter and turn the disconnects to seperate the lines. I prime the hose from my holdign tank to remove the air and this gets attached to the filter intake side of the disconnect. This allows the water to run through my filter and heater prior to going to the tank. Also eliminates having to have another pump as the filter fills the tank for me. For draining the tank I hook a hose the the drain side of the tanks bulkhead and set the hose outside and open the valve. This allows the tank to drain itself and I can stop it at any point that I need. Once complete I hook the 2 disconnects back together and turn the pump on adn everything is back to normal. I can change approximately 50% of hte water in 15-20 minutes at a nice slow pace that doesn't affect the fish or planting of the tank.

Let me know if you have any other questions.


I am so jealous, I would have to say it surly paid off at what a beautiful and wonderful tank. I cant wait to see more pictures, and I am going to start saving now so maybe in 10 years I can afford something so amazing like this.

You should post daily pictures, just so I can drool a little everyday.
A few fresh pictures from today. The Albimarginata shown is the large male from one of the pairs I got. He has been in the tank less than 24 hours so I figure he will color up fully over the next few days as he settles in.






I may try and grab some video in the morning when all the fish are out they kind of go into stealth mode this time of day.

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