My 2.5g red cherry shrimp tank

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Aug 20, 2013
So I had extra plants and I didn't know what to do with em. So I got a small tank (i think size is 12X6X6or5) and found a cool looking driftwood and used some of my remaining eco complete substrate. Then I got some moss from my lfs and they also had red cherry shrimp! So, this is my red cherry shrimp tank.
Only problem I have so far is that out of the 5 shrimps I started with, 3 have died... No idea why (im thinking it was from shock from transportation?). Also, the heater I got for it was too much for the size of the tank (thought it would be small enough, 30 watts brought it to 88 degrees! so i need to get the 15 watt version...) So, the temp atm is around 75-76 degrees (room temp, but it wont be warm enough for them to procreate yet). Im ordering more shrimps from someone in the classifieds here so Ill be waiting for that.
Btw, whats the best way to feed the shrimps? they usually ignore everything I try putting in there (from pellets/flakes to algae wafers) Im going to try a piece of zucchini next.


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Um how do I edit the title of the thread? I misspelled cherry lol... sorry

Nevermind, I figured it out. Im such a noob
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