My 20G Long FW Planted Tank Build/Journey

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I totally agree with you there. The area is just so great for aquascaping. I was also actually looking at the white cloud minnows (?) or was it white mountain minnows. I wanted to get them as well. But I don't normally find them in my LFS around here. So I am not sure if they are somehow expensive? And I totally understand about not mixing them with tropicals.

The clip ons is actually a good idea. I could try looking at Home Depot sometime next week. Thank you. :)

Don't know much about the White Cloud Mt. minnows, but a quick search on the internet turned up a couple sources where they are selling for about $.99 each. May just be that your LFS hasn't ever heard of them or had anybody request them.

You are more than welcome for the suggestions.
Ohh cool...$.99 is not bad at all. Thanks. Were you referring to the common minnows awhile ago though? The one that they called feeder fish? They are cheap, like $0.26 in my LFS.
Ohh cool...$.99 is not bad at all. Thanks. Were you referring to the common minnows awhile ago though? The one that they called feeder fish? They are cheap, like $0.26 in my LFS.

Yes, while not nearly as colorful as the White Clouds, even the common minnows are nice fish, and would probably be quite hardy in your tank. However, if you could get the White Clouds, that would give you both pretty and hardy.
I know it has been a while that this baby has not been updated. I took a picture of this last Jan. 1 but I have had an addition on this tank since then. But here is the picture for now. I will take a picture of this again with the addition soon. I ordered the light for this last Jan. 6, friday and hoping to get them this week.

Okay, for now, here are the photos:






This amazon sword just started to flourish a little. I hope it will be more healthy when my new lights will come.


Hi Daileene!
I'm glad that you updated this tread.... I liked the shape of the 20G long tank... Really nice color with the gravel, I'm sure with that with the new light will look even better.
Really nice anubias attached to the driftwood...maybe the swords will grow big for that tank, but this will be a nice problem to deal with it later on...

Loved it.. Keep the updates.
thanks ed. I am so excited with the light. it was shipped today and will come this thursday. :) I will post more pictures when it comes. I actually have 5 serpae tetras in here right now. They are so cute. is my new FTS and more. sorry for the delay. It has been a month and more from the day I promise to put a pic with the new lighting.








More Pics:




The hornwort that Gboy66 sent me:

I have trimmed them more than once since they arrive and replanted them.


Trying to make the java moss carpet:

Top View:
The crypts above are from mclumpy and boy they shoot up once I had put the new lighting and starting to dose the seachem flourish.

Side View:
So, my plants and fish here now is:

5 serpae tetras (for now)
spiralis crypts and other kinds of crypts (i don't know them all)
anubias nana
anubias petite
dwarf grass
hornworts (lots of them kinda)
java fern philippines
amazon sword
java moss

Lighting: Coralife Freshwater Aqualight T5 Single Fluorescent Light (18W 6700K full spectrum daylight) - 30 inch
Heating: Profile Aquarium Heater Lot: 102600 (I don't know how much wattage this is)
Filter: AC50
Okay, I got to post a video in youtube for this tank and also the new 20G long I got. So here it is:

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daileene said:
Okay, I got to post a video in youtube for this tank and also the new 20G long I got. So here it is:

I loved !
I have never seen the cascade filters....they do t sell them here in SCAL...
Nice! Looks like you are getting some very nice growth out of those now that you are dosing. Tank has come a long way.
I loved !
I have never seen the cascade filters....they do t sell them here in SCAL...

Hi Ed. Yeah, this is the first time that I have seen the cascade as well and I was not quite impress at the beginning because it was loud and I didn't know how it works with the knob on the top, but I finally got it, kinda. It gets the water clear but I can still see some things that the filter wasn't able to pick up. But when my new filter will come in, I maybe will keep them both just to see how it goes. The filter is not as noisy now. Thank you for viewing it again.
Nice! Looks like you are getting some very nice growth out of those now that you are dosing. Tank has come a long way.

Hi Wy! Yes, I agree. I am getting the Leaf Zone and the Excel too soon so with the flourish and those 2 additions, I am hoping that it will really do well and the excel will take care of some of those algae that I am getting in the dwarf grass. I cannot seem to take them off.
oh, and for the record, that fish food that you saw in the video is the container for goldfish food but the food it really contains is the tropical food. I just normally transferred the tropical food there from the big container so I can mix some goodies on them and crushed them a little bit so it is in smaller bites than its normal size.

just thought I would throw this in here just so if someone will think I am feeding the tropical fish goldfish foods. :-D
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