My 26 gallon bowfront

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jul 22, 2006
San Francisco, Ca
So, I have scrapped the salt water for the 26 gallon. I am going BIGGER for salt. So I gave my brother the 26 gallon, and he wants a few cichlids. What is the stocking level for this? I HATE to overstock. Is 2 doable? Of course tank will be cycled and ready before any fish are added.
depends on the cichlids...some get bigger than others. But I think you could do more than two with some varieties :). There are even some interesting dwarf cichlid varieties you could consider. I would not do more than two adult discus or angels in a 26 though o_O...

Nice of you to gift your tank though.

I like this site as they have lots of pictures of every kind of cichlid as well as other good informations. Cichlid Pictures: Species Listing
Is there any kind of cleaner, like an oto, that can be with them safely? I don't want them to be harrassed.
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Depends on which Cichlids you plan on having. No Malawis are gonna be small enough for a 26g. Some Tanganyikans will, but I wouldn't put Otos with them (too high of a pH needed). If you go with South American Dwarves (like a pair of Rams), Otos would work nicely.
I agree with JOM. Mag float for a cleaner (never depend on an animal to do your maintenance). Apistos or shellies....

Discus or angels are a terrible idea in that footprint.
I would stick with SA dwarf cichlids for a 26. Rams, apistogramma, maybe one keyhole or something like laetacara curviceps would work. Even a pair of discus is out of the question IMO (which would be your only option for keeping just 2; most discus keepers recommend either a pair or 5+ due to the way they establish their pecking order). With proper care they have the potential to grow far too large. If memory serves me, the 26 BF is a 2' tank, similar to a 20H but taller... I like to keep angels in a minimum of a 29 gallon tank. Adult angels reach a pretty good size as well.

Tanganyikan shell dwellers are cool fish and would do nicely in a species colony setup. Lamprologus ocellatus "gold" are one of my personal favorites.

Kribensis are African riverine cichlids and would also do well. Their water chemistry and tank mate selection are similar to SA dwarfs.
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