My 40g breeder ram build begins!!

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Sep 25, 2012
OK, So I thought it was time to start the thread for this build. Here's the setup plan.

I will only be putting electric blue and blue rams with the intention of breeding. The tank will be planted but not to heavily. Just enough for the rams. I don't want to have to worry about co2 etc. I haven't decided on lighting as of yet. but don't plan on spending a lot. Because of tank depth I believe I can use T8's for the low to mod light plants ill be using. Finally Some snails as clean up. I have red cherry and ghost shrimp in other tanks that I may try but thinking the rams will see them as food.

40GALB Tank w/painted black background and black substrate

I'm not going to use that light in the pic and the clear acrylic tube is for some aquascaping tunnels/hideout

The stand is a TV stand from Craigslist I got for 25 dollars. I have added a second top of 3/4 marine plywood and some aluminum angle underneath as reinforcement. I still need to paint the stand black going to do that this weekend.

Filters is a DIY 8 Liter or so bio/mech canister with 300 gph pump. That I saw on youtube. I will also have a Penguin 350, mainly for backup, chemical filtration if needed. Here is a pic of the canister. I'm thinking of painting it flat black so that it's not as noticeable.

I was going to make it smaller but wanted it to be able to work on a larger tank in the future :whistle:.

I have the parts to make the intake and return. So should be doing that this weekend too. I'll upload pics of those and the finished stand soon after.

Shooting to start a fishless cycle in the next week or so.

That's all I have for now. Hope you enjoy and :popcorn: follow along on the journey!

Oh!! If any of you planted tank guru's have advice on the T8 lighting idea please let me know. I have looked at the T5 and LED's but I just keep thinking it would be overkill for the tank depth.


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Hey I have to tell you something just so you have the info. When you put 2 GBR's and 2 Electric BR's in a tank they "may not" pair up with the same color mate. I accidently found this out when I started out housing 11 GBR, Electrics, and Golds all together in the 220g. It seemed for some reason all the males, regardless of color, wanted the Electric Blue girls. I finally split 5 into other tanks and am still considering moving the 2 EBR's in the 220g into a different tank as there are still some issues with the the remaining EBR female. I honestly don't know if this was a fluke but want you to know since your wanting to breed that this could happen.
Ya know. I was thinking about that the other day! Thank you for bringing it up. I would have done the exactly what you did. I guess I'll have use a 20 for one grp and the 40 for the other. When you did your group. What was the male to female ratio. I only want two or three pairs. So I was going to go 1
Male to three female. Does that sound right?
Actually I did 1 to 1 ratio. With rams multiple females isn't always a good idea. There has been controversary about this. But I found just giving one female makes for less ruckus in the tank and "usually" the male and female will accept each other. It's pretty rare that they don't. But also don't expect them to bond right away, sometimes it does happen pretty quick but other times it can take longer so give them adaquate time.

As for the T8 it should be fine for java fern but I would be sure to get a plant growth bulb if it isn't one already.
Ok, thanks rivercats. I'v been reading about the ram ratio deal and am going to go 1to1 m/f. Based on reading, your recommendation and my own past experience with new world cichlids.

I did get the stand painted today!!


Had a set back with the DIY canister but not to bad. The pump I was planning to use isn't going to work so I'm on the hunter for a good pond pump. Saw a few online that would work. Also going check CL and see if there is a good deal.
Thanks! Going be starting the cycle soon. Fishless....borrrrrring! But it will save on water changes. I'll update pics when I start scaping!
Hey just an up date! Had to take advantage of some LFS Black Friday deals!!

Just filled the tank filled. Went with Eco-complete for The substrate.

Light that is on there isn't staying.
Lights should be done in a day just have
To paint the outside. Decided to try a DIY lighting setup that should do the job....... I hope. Talked to a few people that say they are using it with good results. But if it doesn't ill roll to the hardware store for a t5 something.

Still haven't decided on a pump for the DIY canister. But plan to have that up and running by Christmas. So for now have a marineland 350 in place. Also just cut the acrylic for a small refugium that will site underneath. Should add about 12 gals to the system.

Will test lvl's 2mrw or the next day. I have
Been waiting to clean filters pads and sponges in the other tanks. Done and added to the new
Tank is getting there!! Great start, the table is awesome!!
Folloing along! I am going to be setting up a 20 gal with some rams, not sure what kind yet though. I really want German, but I hear Bolivians are more forgiving with parameters, so I think I am going to go with those, because this will be my first 'big' tank. But I am going to have other small fish in with the two I am going to get.

It's looking great so far!
Ok, cycles moving along really well! Should be done sooner than I thought! Although this is my first fish-less cycle so I could be wrong but ammonia is processing so quick I'm have to dose daily. Just waiting for nitrites to start moving down. Any way

I got some wood in today and thought I'd post a pic. It's going to take a bit for it to sink but i think it will look good in the end. Slowly starting to add some plants.


Ok so, had put some rock on the wood to get down and got the rest of the plants in the tank.
New wood is filling the tank with tannins. Which I don't mind to much. Plus, I know with water changes it will decrease.





Hope everything grows well. Now, just need to it to finish the cycle. So I can get some fish!

I'll most Likely end up adding a DIY co2. Need to research it.
I really like the wood (minus the rock... lol) and the fact you added some non-green plants. I think its going to look great once it all fills in.
I really like the wood (minus the rock... lol) and the fact you added some non-green plants. I think its going to look great once it all fills in.

I tried to take the really good advice you gave me! I think I need a lil more red or yellow in the center (back) I have a water Lilly bulb that is starting to spout which I hope is red/ green. It looked that way in the pic but who knows.
It would look good right behind the dip in DW slightly off center to the right. That way the U in the DW will actually draw the eye there and they will compliment each other. You also need to do a different leaf texture there. Something like Cabomba Furtcara, Rotala Wallichii, or Myriophyllum tuberculatum in that order of choice IMO. But you have a real good start and glad I could help.
Oh I forgot once you move the rocks you might want to look into getting a couple 2-3 Crypt Wendtii, either Florida Sunset, Red Mi Oya, or Bronze in that order of choice IMO.

Also if you need a touch of color later on in a spot you could try Proserpinaca palustris. It comes in its emmersed green form usually but after planted the leaves will change to it's immersed form and if light is high enough it will turn a beautiful shade of orange.
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