my albino angelfish

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Sep 14, 2003
please help! I recently bought a red-eyed albino angelfish (4 or 5 days ago). it hasn't eaten yet and then today i noticed it was floating and thought it was dead. then i saw its small fins moving but it wasn't swimming very well, and it kept floating sideways, not really swimming at all. it keeps brushing against things in the tank and staying against them until the current takes it away agin. i am really worried and i also have another bigger black angelfish in there. will this problem spread to my other fish; there is also a plecostomus and some neon tetras.
Hiya and welcome to AquariumAdvice rikiv1!

First and foremost, what are your water parameters (ammonia nitrite nitrates)? Is always the first thing to check when one is having problems with one's fish. What size tank is everyone in? Whats the temps? And how long has it been cycled?

Secondly, I'm guessing your didn't QT the new guy. I strongly suggest getting a cheap 10g, filter and heater and making sure all your new guys spend 2 weeks in it so you can make sure they are healthy. My guess is the new guy came from the lfs with something, although we need to know those parameters to be sure.

In the meantime, it would be a good idea (if you DO have a QT tank) to remove him from the main tank and put him in there. This way, if you have to treat with meds, it won't mess up your nitrifying bacterial colonies. Plus, he will be less stressed im a quiet dark area by himself.

Besides the obvious weakness, are you noticing anything else about the new angel? Heavy breathing? Any strange marks or growths? Blood in the fins or under the skin on the body? When did the weakness start (just today? Or was he getting progressively weaker)? What are you attempting to feed him?
thank you for your post, but he died last night. i don't know the water parameters but i'll check them at the store today. it's a 38 gallon tank, temp at 82 degrees, set up since mid-april. i had a betta in there for 1.5-2 months before the angels, but the betta is now in annother tank in the bedroom. the only other problems i could see were that he wasn't eating(tropical flakes or bloodworms). i did notice the mouth moving like he was trying to eat but other than that i didn't notice anything else strange. i would hate to lose any more of my fish if it can be prevented. is it possible to do a check on him to se if he had any illness, even ater he has died?
I guess you could do an autopsy. I know some folks on the angelfish forums have done them; I'll see if I can find the page or posts. I have a feeling the problem was either water parameters or he was ill coming from the lfs. Your first step is to get those parameters checked. Second is to keep a close eye on the rest of your fish in case he did bring a nasty along from the lfs.

How often do you water change and how much? Also, I strongly suggest you pick up your own ammonia/nitrite/nitrate tests from the lfs so you can keep an eye on em (and not have to make a trip every time you want em checked LOL).
the test showed that the ph was high (7.8 i think). the pet store owner is very good and said that when i get the ph under control she will give me another fish, seeing as how none of my other fish are affected and perhaps the one that died was already sick. the others are all eating normally and acting normal ( from what i know of fish anyway) I am still new at this hobby. anyway is there anything i should watch for in the fish? are angels hard to keep or are they quite tolerant and strong like bettas?
I happen to think domesticated angels are hardy lil buggers. Before I had an understanding of the nitrogen cycle, I actually cycled my tank with 2 angelfish (I still have guilt about that).

Basically keep an eye on them for unusual behavior (heavy breathing, swimming funny, not eating etc; the stuff you've already noticed) as well as color changes or new markings. Those are all signs of illness/stress.

Did your lfs give you suggestions on how to change that Ph? And did they happen to tell you what their Ph levels are?
i don't know what to do to normalise the ph. any suggestions? also i was looking in the tank today watching my other fish and the black angel wa sjust staring at the sihon for the filter. i then noticed these white spots on the tube that sort of look like eggs. could these be eggs, or maybe ick? does ick attach to nonliving things like filter siphons? it's very strange.
They well could be eggs; angels are known to lay on flat surfaces such as slate, uptake tubes and air tubing. You can see some pics here to compare:

As for changing the Ph, I have a suggestion. You may want to look at fish who would be most comfortable in your tapwater Ph levels. Its much easier then mucking with the water. I would ask the lfs tho, what their Ph is; I can't imagine it being THAT different then yours, in which case any fish in their tank is already acclimated to that Ph and that shouldn't be such an issue.
yes, i am sure there are eggs in the tank. :lol: do angelfish die after laying eggs like smoe other kinds of animals do? maybe that was why the other fish died. now my black angel is eating some of the eggs. some of the remaining eggs are whits still, while others look grey, or maybe transparent and seem grey because of the filter tube. anyway, i am still disappointed that the othe fish died.
Naw, angels generally don't die after laying. They actually can make really good parents once they get the hang of it.

I wouldn't worry bought the remaining fish eating them. If they are white, it means they are fungused and are no longer viable anyway; it'll be good protein for the angel eating them. The transparent ones may actually be viable eggs, but unless you have a separate tank to raise them in and have baby brine shrimp to feed them, I'd leave it. You may want to read thru the breeding info at if you decide to get another angel so you'll be prepared for eggs :)
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