My approach to cycling:

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Jul 28, 2003
Maryville, TN
Ok, originally, I was going to cycle using either the very slow stocking method, or the fishless way. Now, however, I have been offered an in-use filter and free fish!!! So how do I cycle using this? Can I just put the filter to use and add the fish the same day? That would be so cool if I could...I don't have water in my tank yet. That's happening tomorrow (finally!!!). I'm sorry to be SO confused on this thing, but I don't feel like killing my fish!!! TIA!
It is a good start but don't forget that a large amount of bacteria in a stocked tank lives on the decorations and substrate.

You have 3 options here really:

1. Put the full load of fish in that you want but keep watching the ammonia and nitrite levels with a test kit and do frequent water changes at first.

2. Put only a few fish in and work your way up slowly to a full bioload. Also doing plenty of tests of the water.

3. Use a fishless method to establish a full compliment of bacteria. This would go really fast as you would already have an established filter. Still put in 5ppm of pure ammonia and it shouldn't take too long before you have a perfect ready to go tank. Of course you still need test kits here so I would suggest getting test kits if you don't have them yet.
I've never used it, but you might research Bio Spira. Its available in many lfs. Its a biological product that has all the bacteria in place for a cycle. Apparently this stuff takes care of cycling in like 24 hours. Do the research though. Like I said, I'm just telling you what I've read.
also, with any method you choose...just remember to get the established bacteria a food source pretty quickly...either by adding the ammonia, or adding fish (who will then produce ammonia).

the bio spira is essencially a refrigerated bag of the nitrfiying bacteria, so if you add it, you have an instant cycle, so to speak. It's pricy, but apparently works amazingly well (I haven't been able to find a retailer in my area, so I've never used it).

When I moved my guys from the 25g to the uncycled 55g, I used the mature bio-wheel from the smaller tank and added a half dose of Bio-Spira just in case. Never a sign of ammonia/nitrites. Might be something to consider.
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