My aquarium autobiography - Newbie problems and solutions

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Great website, did you design it yourself? I can't believe the fish store sent you home without dechlorinator :x . I'm sure most of use went through a similar experience when we were newbies :(. Poor fishies :drain:
thanks ! yes i designed it myself..:)
Yep I thought some newbie would be able to get something out of it and save a few fishies
Very nice, swanand, I'm sure your experiences can be of help to many newbies. My first tank, 30 some years ago, was a slate bottomed 5 gallon. I remember having guppies, swords, neons, even an angelfish in there! :cry: Poor fish, I was just a kid and didn't know any better!
Thanks! appreciate it coming from a veteran like you. Maybe I should move this to the "Getting started" forum ?
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