My Betta doesn't flare.

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Sep 7, 2013
North Carolina
Is there something wrong with him? I have had him about two months. The water parameters are good, and I check them a couple of times a week. He is in a ten gallon with good filtration but we muted the flow with extra filter media, so that doesn't bother him. He has three Bronze Corys as tankmates, and they get along incredibly well. He will investigate them, but there has never been any fin-nipping or aggression. He is very active and very curious about everything. He blows bubbles and does his nice little show-off wiggles and waggles. He seems to be very happy in his environment, but I have NEVER seen him flare. He didn't flare when the Corys were added. He doesn't even flare if I hold up a mirror. I just can't figure out what to make of this!
Is there something wrong with him? I have had him about two months. The water parameters are good, and I check them a couple of times a week. He is in a ten gallon with good filtration but we muted the flow with extra filter media, so that doesn't bother him. He has three Bronze Corys as tankmates, and they get along incredibly well. He will investigate them, but there has never been any fin-nipping or aggression. He is very active and very curious about everything. He blows bubbles and does his nice little show-off wiggles and waggles. He seems to be very happy in his environment, but I have NEVER seen him flare. He didn't flare when the Corys were added. He doesn't even flare if I hold up a mirror. I just can't figure out what to make of this!

Every betta is different. Some flare so much that they split their fins and some flare very little. If his color is good, he's not sick, he gets along with his tank mates, hes active, and there is no sign that he is getting bullied, I wouldn't be worried. Flaring is generally related with fear, stress, or anxiety. Granted, its fun to see how cool your betta looks when he flares, this probably means that he's just a super chill dude (and considering he lives with other fish) it's most likely for the best that nothing seems to upset him.
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