My betta won't eat !!!

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jan 18, 2006
hi guys
Thanks for all ur advice so far, you're a real help.
My Betta won't eat ! i've read that it's normal for betta that's getting used to it's new surroundings to not eat but it's really worrying me. I've fed it the pellets and it won't touch it, it spat it out even! And i tried feeding it shrimp ( small enough for it to eat ) and it still won't eat!! Im getting really worried.. when will it start to eat ? And why do they like blood worms so much ?
oxoxox thanks
Don't worry; your betta will eat! Try the bloodworms first - my bettas really go crazy for them. I get the freeze-dried bloodworms from Hikari. It is normal for a betta not to eat at first, and to spit out food that you give him. Keep offering him the bloodworms, and another good food to try is the Hikari Betta Gold pellets. Your betta will probably spit the pellets out for the first few times you offer them, but as he gets used to them, he will eat! One of my bettas, when I first got him, didn't eat for 7 whole days! Hopefully your betta won't wait that long, but don't worry - he will start eating!
I second the Hikari Betta Gold pellets. When I first started keeping bettas, I bought another brand's betta pellets (forget which brand), and the bettas wouldn't touch them. I switched to Hikari, and never looked back since.
Another tip on the Hikari Betta Gold pellets: soak them first, in some tank water, before feeding. I saved a plastic yogurt cup to soak the pellets in. I get a tiny bit of tank water in the cup, and soak the pellets in there for 2 1/2 minutes before feeding. Dry foods, like the pellets, may absorb fluid in the stomach and swell, causing bloat in the betta. Soaking the pellets before feeding helps to prevent bloat.
An t-iasg,

That sounds like a good idea regardless of the type of fish. I'll have to keep that in mind when I begin to stock with a variety.
Also I have seen many people say that their bettas wont touch flake food, but don't rule that out. My betta was eating flake from day one. Its worth a shot anyway.
7Enigma said:
An t-iasg,

That sounds like a good idea regardless of the type of fish. I'll have to keep that in mind when I begin to stock with a variety.

Yes, I think that's a good idea for dry food pellets regardless of the type of fish. I even soak the freeze-dried bloodworms for about 30 seconds. I soak the pellets for all my bettas in the yogurt cup and set the microwave timer. While the pellets are soaking, I run around with all the plant fertilizers and play "beat the clock"!
not only does he not eat the food, he doesn't even kno that i've just fed him.. god it gets so freaking furstrating!!!!!!!!!!! :x :x :x :x :x :x
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