my bullet shaped aquarium

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Aug 11, 2008
its been up and running for just under a month now it its fltered by a haydrium canister (german make prob not correct spelling) it contaons malawi, severums, green terror, convict, kribs, jewles, plecos, and a few others (its like 2 in the morning here i think)

the video isnt great but it will have to do untill i buy a new cable for the digi cam.
YouTube - new tank setup part 2






you are welcome to look at my gallery at the following two sites
Flickr: billijay's Photostream
malawi cichlids |
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best ive ever had im not to sure on whether to put that 3d jewel background on one of the sides because i like the fact that i can view from both sides
That is an interestingly shaped aquarium. I have seen them empty before, but I've never seen one stocked.

well you can see the air pipes im not to sure what to do with them yet, as im thinking of adding some more ocean rock and as they come down via the centre of the tank rather than the back it is pretty hard to decide what to do,

oh if any one else has malawis in a bullet tank can they point me in the right direction ie pictures and advice thank you
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