My crayfish molted!

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Mar 26, 2011
I was looking at my tank over the weekend and saw a crayfish shell. At first I thought it was a dead one but I saw the cray next to it and a lot bigger! Any suggestions on how I should take care of the changes? I already threw out the shell. Pretty cool though.
I thought the shell should stay with the crayfish so it can munch on it to get back some calcium. Too late. Should be fine as long as it can hide for a bit to harden up.
Yes, if (and when) your crayfish molts again in the future - you can just leave the skeleton in the tank and the cray will come up and eat it.

Other than that - just make sure there is nothing aggressive that could poke at the crayfish while he's still soft.
Uh oh..yeah don't remove the shell :( My blue cray eats his enitre shell within 24 hours.

What kind of cray do you have?
i agree,you shouldnt remove the shell,your cray will eat it.and rember to provide plenty of hiding spots for your cray.
Good point that is a must in a community tank. My blue guy in his own tank doesn't even care to hide. He thinks he's untouchable anyway :cool:
Oops, thats disgusting but next time I have one I will do that. It is what the lfs called a feeder crayfish. It is ruining my plants and now I only have java moss so I'm going to sell him to someone who has a tank that is well suited for him. Great to have but just to aggressive and terroristic.
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