my first cichlid tank need some help

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Glueing your plants to rocks works the best. He roots eventually grow onto it and give an amazing natural look. Java ferns work too. No one touches mine.

are you saying that you dont put them in the sand just clue them to the rock or do i just put them in the sand by a rock and glue it to it that way. what kind of glue do you use that is safe to put in the tank?
My problem I have always noticed is as cichlids dig around plants the sand will slowly fill itself in while slowly exposing the roots. Eventually they will lose there grip and get pulled out. If you use crazy glue, the gel type with a brush, you can glue it onto a rock or driftwood and then put it under some sand. This way if the cichlids pull on them or move sand around them the extra weight will keep them in place.
that sounds great, thank you for all your help. is there any length of time that it should cure before putting it in the water.
just got my light today and got it installed, here is some pics of my tank what do you guys think? the pics don't show off the light it is actually really bright.


No problem I too am on my first cichlid tank best day ever was when I was finally cycled and got to add fish made a couple of bad purchases on tank mates and now am fighting an ich outbreak but am doing good considering haven't lost any of my cichlids yet (knock on wood) will post up some pics when I'm through with this headache.
anikonslr said:
just got my light today and got it installed, here is some pics of my tank what do you guys think? the pics don't show off the light it is actually really bright.

I really like that hardscape. Good job
added fish

picked up some fish at lfs. they said that these where all ok with each other here is the list and numbers of them;


what do you guys think?
haha I am using sand, I have a new tank same size that I am moving them into because its shaped nicely and has a dresser made for it that is really nice. I have crushed coral and stones as my bedding and it works well no problems. I use my reverse osmosis for the water, not regular tap water. Back to the sand topic, make sure yourinse it well, make sure the water is totally clear before putting it in. I rinsed my sand quarter filled in the bucket, rinsed each round about 7 or 8 times, the water was a litter clearer but still really cloudy and i could barely see my fingers in the water... and I was like what is going on? so I read the bag that it came in and it said it is loose sediment, so I was like oh, then I just have to wait for it to settle. I cleansed each round 7 or 8 times, put it all in the tank even though the water wasn't very clear before draining it out. Now I have been spending two days clearing out my cloudy aquarium.!! hahah. slowly but surely it is clearing up, I am guessing another 24 hours and it will finally be clear. I have been rinsing my filter cartridges and wiping off my filter... Your filter will get clogged where it pulls the water in before it filters it.. you just have to wipe it off. So really just really rinse that sand off make sure this doesn't happen to you. lol
umakemegiggle247 said:
haha I am using sand, I have a new tank same size that I am moving them into because its shaped nicely and has a dresser made for it that is really nice. I have crushed coral and stones as my bedding and it works well no problems. I use my reverse osmosis for the water, not regular tap water. Back to the sand topic, make sure yourinse it well, make sure the water is totally clear before putting it in. I rinsed my sand quarter filled in the bucket, rinsed each round about 7 or 8 times, the water was a litter clearer but still really cloudy and i could barely see my fingers in the water... and I was like what is going on? so I read the bag that it came in and it said it is loose sediment, so I was like oh, then I just have to wait for it to settle. I cleansed each round 7 or 8 times, put it all in the tank even though the water wasn't very clear before draining it out. Now I have been spending two days clearing out my cloudy aquarium.!! hahah. slowly but surely it is clearing up, I am guessing another 24 hours and it will finally be clear. I have been rinsing my filter cartridges and wiping off my filter... Your filter will get clogged where it pulls the water in before it filters it.. you just have to wipe it off. So really just really rinse that sand off make sure this doesn't happen to you. lol

+1 rinse and rinse and rinse again it will save you a lot of hassle down the line.
picked up some fish at lfs. they said that these where all ok with each other here is the list and numbers of them;


what do you guys think?

guess i forgot to put the list. :ermm:
here it is

Electric yellow labs 3
Acei 3
Kennyi 3
electric blue Johanni 6
Tropheus Moorii 3
Wow, my lfs sucks. They have bland cichlids, brown cichlids, grey cichlids, and wait......silver cichlids. Great choices for color, I can have a tank that looks like the rainbow. Cool fish
Hannibal the Bichir said:
Wow, my lfs sucks. They have bland cichlids, brown cichlids, grey cichlids, and wait......silver cichlids. Great choices for color, I can have a tank that looks like the rainbow. Cool fish

Yea I have a really good lfs they have about 50-60 tanks of cichlids only have to drive about 25 min to get there too.
anikonslr said:
Yea I have a really good lfs they have about 50-60 tanks of cichlids only have to drive about 25 min to get there too.

Wow i think my lfs has about 50-60 tanks total lol
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