my first CO2 enriched Planted tank

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Nov 16, 2013
Moline, Illinois USA
Well guys what do they say about ideas nothing lasts past first scrutiny or some bs like that.

Well went by aquatic store today and i found a piece of driftwood I just couldn't resist. I love the shape and looks of it and best of all it was only 30 bucks for this huge piece.

Below are several pics from different angles. it is 31 inches Long, 13 inches High, and 6" wide and was only $30 like I said.

Now I could definitely use some ideas for a layout as I haven't really done an all out aqua-scape and so have limited imagination.

I took some photos from different angles of my wood and even turned it upside down to see how would look that way.

My tank is a 75 gallon and my regulator showed up today it is a concoa twin stage.

so far here are the parts I have ordered since this is my first setup like this i'm going slow so as to get proper parts. someone said I don't want to use a diffuser because i was told i will lose too much Co2 and that I want to use something called a reactor that breaks bubbles up better.

so far here is what I have ordered:

Concoa Dual Stage Gas Regulator Assy Model: 4122331-580

Milwaukee Instruments MA955 Solenoid Valve for Co2 Dosing

DICI Professional Aquarium CO2 Bubble Counter w/ Check Valve



I will be using 3 bags Miracle-Gro 72986510 Organic Choice Potting Mix for my soil mix with a 2" cap of Black Beauty Medium Blasting Media.

Ok I have a list of some of the plants I would like to use in this layout, but i have to figure out where to get them from and what I can afford as i do not know how much a setup of plants will cost.

L aquatica
Ambulia (Limnophila)
Rotala 'Bonsai'
Dwarf saggitaria
Anubias sp. ‘Petite’
Ludwigia palustris
Limnophila hippuridoides
Hemianthus callitrichoides 'Cuba'
Hygrophila pinnatifida
Alternanthera reineckii 'Mini'
Japanese Takashi Amano

I was wondering if this had really narrow leaves Sagittaria subulata (Narrow Leaf Sag) I want a longer grass for the back corner that has really fine leaves on it similar to hair grass so that it makes a nice place for baby fish but also sways with the current giving a relaxing type look. my tank is like 21 inches tall and this seems that it grows to 8 inches I am assuming it would keep growing but even if it stops would work too at 8 inches.

I dont know if use all of them but those are what I am looking at right now. any suggestions always welcome
Here are the ferts I will be dosing for those that take it from the water table:

Aquarium Plant Fertilizer | Green Leaf Aquariums

My lighting when I originally set it up I went onto the Barr report site and did some research on all this and that lighting thing (cant remember what they called it the strength etc) mine come in at the higher end of medium lighting almost to high lighting, that is why I dont have any of the super high light required plants in there most are low and medium light requirements but I am sure theres a couple high light plants I can put in there.

I am thinking before tearing the tank down, because of the fish, I will put the wood and rocks and prescape it to figure out my ground, wood, and rock layout so I have it figured out so I can get it tore down and put back up in one day so not to kill the bacteria off in my canister and not have fish in 5 gal buckets for so very long.
Ok got the filter today to make a cerges reactor, it has threaded 3/4" inlet and outlet on it, pressure relief, and diverter for cleaning. was 24.95 at meynards. also has the clear body. now none they had there had a sleeve inside where I could fit the pvc but I can use silicone in there for it.

I went to true value and got some osmocote plus and saved 3 bucks because the OC+ was on sale for 9 bucks. I also grabbed a couple Bell clamps to hold my reactor up. and am waiting on 500 00 capsules to arrive in the mail to make my root tabs.


here is my cerges reactor build I just need to silicone the downspout in the center tomorrow and it is finished. I will post construction pics in order not really needing to explain them they self explanatory

DuPont water filter $25
5 ft of 3/4" PVC $1.62
1/2" hose barb *2 $1.99 ea
3/4 x 1/2" bushing *2 $ .66 ea
3/4" elbow *2 $ .27 ea
1/2" MIP x 1/4" brass nipple $4.59
3/4 x 1/4 I'd bar MIP $ 3.99 ( brass adapter for nipple )
3/4" x 1/2" inside bushing $ .89
3/4" tee $ .87
3/4" male adapter threaded x 2 $.29
3/4" PVC coupler $ .20
well i was looking for a 55 gal tank to borrow so I can keep fish in and plants etc while I redo my 75 and surprisingly someone offered me a 55 gal tank and stand for free i could keep. so eventually ill do a really nice aquascape with that after the 75
here is the plan so far.

some kind soul offered me a 55 gal tank and stand for free and said I could keep it they didn't have room in their small house. lol wife rolled her eyes last night said I better get you some more dirt next time I am out roflmao.

so they supposed to call today I hope and set something up for me to go get it. then I will pump water from my 75 into the 55 and move plants and decors over to the 55 so everything stays wet and keeps my bacteria healthy then move my fish and hook the canister to the 55. so once I am done cleaning and setting up the 75 can move stuff back and some of the water back and it should stay cycled just like i just did a water change. might need to run a day or two to fully cycle again but it will be good to go. plus then I can take my time and if takes several days to set up thats fine. I just need some cash for plants now and my co2 bottle but none my plants in list require co2 so I can always work on that just need to get my plants so they can start growing.
BTW i been trying to think of what I want in the 55 now lol besides some plecos to breed I am thinking of a huge colony of Celestial Pearl Danios they small love heavily planted tanks and look like little brown trouts. but I am not sure yet I might find something nice to breed to provide a few bucks a year for aquarium supplies and the water bill. as long as i can feed my own hobby with my hobby the wife says then she is ok with 2 big tanks and the 2 small ones her 10g and my 20L shrimp and pleco tank.
lol ve had enough guppies I started with a pair and filled my 75 gal aquarium from the babies in a couple months luckily someone got them all from me. I like the looks of the galaxy rasbora/celestial pearl danios better and they breed as bad as guppies and just love planted tanks not to mention 3/4 inch to 1 inch max
well got me a new power strip today it is 42 inches long and will allow me to organize behind the scenes so everything isnt crowded together. I got it at Lowes for 29 bucks and has a built in circuit breaker

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