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I wouldn't get rams from petsmart, your better off with a breeder or wild caught.
I've gotten some amazing rams from petsmart. You just have to be selective when you look at some

My gripe with them is that their stock comes from farms, in which those fish are pumped with hormones. You may find some beautiful rams, prob more beautiful than wild caught, because their colors are being forced out of them chemically. They tend to last shortly compared to bred and wild ones. You may be an exception so congrats if that's the case, your a lucky one.
I have a make and female Bolivian rams... they never paired, now they are just friendly tank mates
Congrats on the Ram, they are gorgeous fish! Maybe I just got lucky but I had gotten a juvenile female a while back and wanted to try getting her a mate. I wasn't sure what would happen but I took the chance and put in a stunning male. Since she had been in the tank first for a while I at least suspected some territorial issues but.....literally within minutes of adding the male they were "pals" and she laid eggs a few days later.
Thanx for all the replies btw guys. Got great news im getting a 75 on wednesday im going to paint the back black

And purchase some pool filter sand

In got some clean non porous rock that i chipped of my garden boulders and cleaned thoroughly
I will add some pics of the layout

I will get him a female as if they dont pair i will move her into my 35

Oh and what combination of lighting will bring-out their colors the best .


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Here is the tank setup without water


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You wont need to attach rocks to each other their not moving anywhere lol.. really loving the look its so nice! With rams, keep in mind that they are soft water fish. These rocks will harden the water. Be sure to add some driftwood, indian almond leaves or even peat moss to your filter - try to keep your ph at 7.
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