my first saltwater tank...

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jan 17, 2009
las vegas, nevada, usa

i am considering setting up a saltwater tank. the rig i want is the aquapod 12gal saltwater tank and stand. i read the sticky thread about getting started and it is quite allot to chew. i am somewhat intimidated by it.:crazyeyes:

my question is would the 12gal aquapod okay for me as a noob? would it take allot of maintenance?

i like the idea of just starting it with some rocks or a piece of coral or something.

any advice on where it should be in a one bedroom apt? i have studied fung shui before and the placement of the tank is quite important. i am not clear where it should be fung shui wise. perhaps i should look for a fung shui forum too.

i guess it comes with some instructions on how to set it up. but i will read up on some more of the articles on getting started here.

are there any other similar products i should look at? also where are the best prices?

please advise.

I agree, go with as large a tank as you can afford and have space for.

Read through the article section of this site specifically about cycling the tank. There are several steps you will want to take before putting fish or corals in the tank. With a 12g tank you are going to be very limited on the fish you can keep. If you are looking to do more corals then it will be fine though you will be limited there based on the lighting.

Ebay is a good place to start when looking for a tank like you are talking about. JBJ Nanocube, do a search on google for it you'll find lots of information.
I started with a ten. It's not hard, it just rewquires alot of attention in the beginning. Once the tank matures it's really just PWC and media changes, along with weekly monitoring of water parameters...pretty easy. Just don';t rush. It's easy to get the bug and want it all right now, but starting off slow is great. You'll have better results, and be happier in the long run
yahoo!, whoot!!!, whoot!!!

it looks like i got my first saltwater tank off craig's list. it is a 24gal aquapod (used) for $150. thanks for your advice on getting the larger model. i know from swimming pool maintenance that larger is lower maintenance.

i pick it up tonight!:scatter:

i want the stand that is matched for it too (even though it comes with a "stand"). i think that i will just buy that new. in the meantime i would like to run it. should i do this or wait until i order and receive the new stand?

here is a link to the sale...

(oh yes, and according to feng shui it should go near the front door.)

i am excited about the new tank of course and daydreaming about what to stock it with. i am thinking that i want to build a reef first.

please advise on what to do first...


i decided not to get the tank after inspecting it. the colorless lens that covers the lighting system was cracked from over heating. so i walked away...

i am now thinking that i may wait until i can afford a 24gal hqi aquapod because i want colorful coral.

Another piece of advice when buying used tanks, make sure the owner did not use copper in the tank.
also....whatever fung shui says try not to put it too close to a window. It's hard to keep different light schedules than the sun if it's right next to natural light...not to mention algae problems that stem from that sometimes. I wouldn't fill it until you have the stand...then you have to toatally empty it again....24 gal water = 199.2 lbs plus the weight of the tank itself.
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