My First Tank 18g low tech planted

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Oct 16, 2011
Reno, NV
Ok so ive been posting a few times on here asking questions so i thought id start a tank log! Ill post a pic from every stage prior to this and then keep it updated :cool:

about 3 weeks ago:


I feel like its an unwritten rule to have a cheesy decoration in your first tank:ROFLMAO:


4 Serpae Tetras and 3 lemon tetras


Driftwood and fake plants


Added 8 ghost shrimp


Amazon Sword

Replaced the bad light with a decent t8 hood. its 15w 6000k its still temporary...



Here it is with more plants. This is where im at right now. Excuse the cloudiness, i just dosed the ferts!! I do wish the new plants were a bit straighter because i think they were grown in shallow water..


Im very open to advice and constructive criticism i still have much to learn(y)

Future plans:
New lights dual t5 or leds
Canister/Over hang filter?
Eco-Complete Substrate

The usual :brows:
That looks like a t5 fixture on the right side to me.

Will a regular 2x24w fit over this tank?

Ecocomplete is pretty cool, its one of my favorite bagged planted substrates.

Keeping it low tech though you could just leave it gravel if you don't mind the look.

Definitely put about 2x-3x more plants in there.

What is that grass in the center? It doesn't look aquatic.
That looks like a t5 fixture on the right side to me.

Will a regular 2x24w fit over this tank?

Ecocomplete is pretty cool, its one of my favorite bagged planted substrates.

Keeping it low tech though you could just leave it gravel if you don't mind the look.

Definitely put about 2x-3x more plants in there.

What is that grass in the center? It doesn't look aquatic.

Which kind of 2x24w?

Thats one of the main reasons i want to switch, i dont dig the look of my mixed gravel haha.

You may be right about the grass it is called Mondo Grass.. Not too happy with it honestly.
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