My fish keep going missing!

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jan 14, 2018
I started a new tank a few days ago and added the fish last night. I added four small tetras. Within a few hours one neon terta had died and the other neon tetra was missing. Had completely disappeared. I checked the filter in case he got sucked up in that (I do have a cover on it but he was a small fish) I checked the ornaments and gravel. He was just gone. I took the dead one out of the tank and went to sleep. This morning I woke up with the other type of tetra being dead and thought "okay so 3/4 of my tank died" but then I realized that the other tetras buddy was also missing. Again, checked the filter, gravel, ornaments, no where. This time I did notice the dead fish was stuck to the side of the filter though. Could it be that the flow is too strong? If so, how do I turn it down.
It's likely that your new tank needs to be cycled. Research how to cycle an aquarium. Neon tetras are a fragile fish. Probably best to start with tougher fish like Rosy Barbs, or Tiger Barbs. You didn't mention the type of power filter or size of tank. Once you get the tank cycled things will level out and you can start enjoying your tank.
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