My Fluval Chi !

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Dec 25, 2010
Well, I bought a Fluval Chi and I'm currently just trying to grow a Dwarf hairgrass carpet (if possible in this tank). It isn't going so well atm :ermm: . I have Floramax substrate & I use these as well.

Could someone help me out & tell me what's wrong with my HG, :c

As for lighting, I have no idea about the specs. Hagen doesn't say anything about it, except it's a 12 bulb LED fixture. I was thinking if I should get this for extra lighting Fluval Mini Power Compact Lamp - 13W: Pet Supplies if needed.

Here's the tank :)

I got a few Marimo Moss Balls. It used to be a 2.5in Ball, until I split it. They seem to be recovering to 2 new Moss balls all together. The Driftwood I found in some random creek down the street. I boiled it for 2 hours and let it sit in a bucket for a week, and then sanding it a little bit.
There is also a plant I have in there [far right corner] I have no idea what it is. I just had it for a long time, :ermm: ID please ?

As for the fish I have in in.
I have a 2 male guppies, and 4 female ones with fry swimming everywhere. I have one apple snail and a few ghost shrimp too :D


P.S. Sorry if this was posted in the wrong section. I just had a majority of plant questions.
we can't see the pics........

the extra lighting would be good if u get ferts and/or Co2

the plants could be doing NOT so good because of low lighting, too much lighting & not enough Co2, not enough CO2 & low lighting, etc.....
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