my neon tetras are being killed

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Dec 12, 2011

I have a 90 gallons tank, the list of fish is:
1 angel fish
1 guarami
2 neon tetras
5 black phantoms
6 harlequin rasbora
6 shrimps
1 pleco
1 borneo sucker

I used to have 2 angel fish but one died 3 days ago. Since then the neon tetras (3 days ago I had 5) have been disappearing, one each night, meaning we do not find the missing fish anywhere in the tank.
Have anyone ever heard of something like that?

The water hasn't changed
ph 7/7.2
ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate are 0

I would really like some help, I am thinking of moving the remaining 2 neons in a smaller separate tanks until i understand what is going on.

Thank you in advance
Just finished doing that. However I would like to understand what is going on.
They have been in this tank for 6 months and all of a sudden this?

Appreciate your concern
to witt2002
Hi, filter seems to be working fine and the water values haven't changed

thank you
What did your angelfish die of?

How many inches in size is your surviving angelfish?

We don't know didn't have marks (bites), no swelling, nothing that could indicate a disease, we did notice he didn't eat for 2 days, then we found him at the bottom of the tank. The remaining angel is 2 inches and we had him for 6 months he seems to be is usual self, not bothering the other fish during the day and guarding the tank back and forth.
bacco66 said:
We don't know didn't have marks (bites), no swelling, nothing that could indicate a disease, we did notice he didn't eat for 2 days, then we found him at the bottom of the tank. The remaining angel is 2 inches and we had him for 6 months he seems to be is usual self, not bothering the other fish during the day and guarding the tank back and forth.

I would say a 2" diameter angel could easily eat a neon tetra each night. Their mouths are bigger than you may think.
The tank has been working for more than 6 months now, and has been cycled.
If it is neon tetras disease I still don't understand how come some fishes have been gone completely missing without any sign of a dead body in the morning?
If it is neon tetras disease would the fish that ate them suffer of a similar disease or die from eating them?

Maybe an angelfish the size of ours could be able to eat them, but why start now? would the death of the other angelfish trigger such a reaction?

Thank you in advance
Are you sure about the nitrates? Is your tank heavily planted or are you adding anything to get rid of them? Did you rinse any filters?

How big is your angel and how big are your neons?

TBH you shouldn't blame everything on Neon Tetra Disease. More likely it's due to poor water quality (which I don't think is the case), not so good tank mates-I suspect the angel if full-grown-or in fact, just bad neons, which are around nowadays. Neons are so sensitive due to inbreeding it's hard to keep them alive the first months, and even after they will die for no apparent reason. I think they should be up there with rummies for sensitive fish.
I bet you your shrimp are eating them. I've had that happen recently. They ate over half of my guppy that died within 20 min.
pleechford said:
I bet you your shrimp are eating them. I've had that happen recently. They ate over half of my guppy that died within 20 min.

Ah yes there is another thought. Perhaps they are dying and then being eaten before morning?

Angels will eat just about anything that will fit in their mouths. It is well known that neon tetras become angel food when the angels get big enough.
It could be the angel giving them the business and the shrimp are the tag team partner that attempts to clean up the mess. My lfs buddy told me that electric blue lobsters will do that to smaller fish that it can catch or that are dying. Sounds to me like the shrimp are being the janitors of your aquarium.
morning update,

checked the neons a few minutes ago. One is dead the other looked discoloured and immobile. Decided to euthanize him, which is what I just did.
Really don't like having to do that.

Thank you for all your help and suggestions. Will keep you updated on the other fish, I imagine I will loose some more given that the missing/sick neons have been eaten.
Maybe angel is killing them off & pleco/borneo sucker/shrimp are finishing the job not leaving a trace?
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