My New 20 Gallon Long

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Graeme Devine

Aquarium Advice Newbie
Nov 12, 2013
This is my first freshwater tank. First aquarium ever actually. My current setup and fish community goals are below. I'm currently doing a fish-in cycle with the zebras and will add more fish little by little after the tank cycles all the way. Let me know what you think.

Current Setup:

Current Fish Community: (fish in cycling)

  • 5 zebra danios
  • 4 golden long fin danios
  • :( 3 casualties in the filter
Future Fish Community:

  • 8-9 danios
  • 8+ Harlequin Rasporas
  • ? Neon or Cardinal tetras
  • 6 Sterba cory cats
  • some yellow rabbit snails
  • some neo shrimps
Photos: I've included some shots of my tank with the different custom light colors I've programmed. The first shot is how I had the tank in the beginning lit most of the time 6500k/blue. I've now moved over to the 6500k/Orange. I think it brings out the color better in the fish. You can seen in the photo of the light how the LED's look in the fixture. The light is super thin and doesn't take much power. I love the color it puts off. Way better than T5's.





light detail

one of my Zebra's that doesn't look like the others

Golden long fin danio

Zebra Danio
I like it a lot! The cory house is a cute idea. I wish my computer could open up the bigger pictures so I could see it better.

I thought those plants were real before I read that they are fake! They look very nice.

That purple light :eek::eek::eek:
That is just gorgeous. It completely changes the colors of the plants. They almost look like they are glowing!
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