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Getting the first batch of fish Monday. What would work better with the blue gourami, serpae tetras or cherry barbs? Would the serpaes nip at the gourami? Would the gourami pick on the cherry barbs?
IMO, cherry barbs. They are more chill than their tiger cousins, so I don't think you will have an issue with them nipping, and they are fast enough to get out of the gouramis way if need be. It is not recommended to keep serpae with gouramis. Typically, they are too nippy for that.
Thank you I wasn't sure if the cherry barbs would be fast enough. Great to know they would be ok. And I had heard that serpaes were nippy. Thanks again
Wow didn't realize it had been so long since I updated this thread. Anyway the tank is almost finished. Right now it has 6 cherry barbs (2 male 4 female) and 5 corys ( 2 panda 2 jullii and 1 unidentified) I decided to get a pearl gourami since it would be less aggressive than the blue. Will add pictures soon
The previously unidentified cory is a bandit cory (thank you jeta). And my LFS had baby albino bristlenose plecos so I got one of them instead of the pitbull plecos. It looks like a vale tail too, the tail is like half as long as its body. Really cool looking but still quite small, around 1.5 inches (not including the tail). I'll get a pic or two of him and post them with the other pics tomorrow
New pics!
Have not been able to get a good shot of the pleco but i'll keep working on it


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Looks great so far!

I used to live in Louisville. Have you checked out Sandy's? They had some pretty nice fish most of the time when I was there.
Yeah actually Sandy's is where I get almost all my fish. There and pets palace are the only places I buy fish from
Here are the other pics I meant to post with the last one. I can't wait for everything to grow in. Especially the crypts along the back


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Finally got a decent pic of my pleco. He's really small right now, shorter than my thumb


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having an issue with brown algae. Any ideas on what could be causing it and any suggestions on how to deal with it without damaging my plants?
It could be diatoms every tank gets it at some stage its un sightly but it goes away on it's own eventually
agwats said:
having an issue with brown algae. Any ideas on what could be causing it and any suggestions on how to deal with it without damaging my plants?

It won't hurt your plants and your pleco is adorable!
richpowell1989 said:
It could be diatoms every tank gets it at some stage its un sightly but it goes away on it's own eventually

After doing some research that seems to be what it is. Hope it goes away sooner rather than later
agwats said:
After doing some research that seems to be what it is. Hope it goes away sooner rather than later

Every tank gets it as some stage you can scrub it off but it will come back, eventually though it will go away on its own
absolutangel04 said:
That little guy is a total cutie! How is your algae fairing with him in there?

I've got some snails in there too that were hitch hikers on the last batch of plants. Between the little pleco and the handful of snails they keep the glass clean but the PFS and drift wood have lots of diatoms... can't wait for that to die down
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