My New Cichlid Tank

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Aquarium Advice Activist
May 14, 2012
I recently got a new tank, I waited 4-5 weeks for it to cycle. Yesterday I got my Cichlids! They are doing very well.


My Yellow Lab


My Peacock


My Auratus


My Acei


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Aquarist1234 said:
I recently got a new tank, I waited 4-5 weeks for it to cycle. Yesterday I got my Cichlids! They are doing very well.

My Yellow Lab

My Peacock

My Auratus

My Acei

NICE SETUP,keep an eye on your peacock as he looks somewhat stressed..
tiger terror said:
NICE SETUP,keep an eye on your peacock as he looks somewhat stressed..

+1 peacocks don't thrive with mbuna in my experience.Their colour will be subdued and their growth rate will be stunted due to the boisterousness of the aggressive mbuna.
Tank looks great by the way :)
tiger terror said:
NICE SETUP,keep an eye on your peacock as he looks somewhat stressed..

Thank you! I thought he looked stressed too. He's been acting normal this morning though. He likes to play with my Yellow Lab.
garfy said:
+1 peacocks don't thrive with mbuna in my experience.Their colour will be subdued and their growth rate will be stunted due to the boisterousness of the aggressive mbuna.
Tank looks great by the way :)

Thanks! My Peacock is less than an inch, I think that could be why he's not very colorful yet.
Aquarist1234 said:
Thanks! My Peacock is less than an inch, I think that could be why he's not very colorful yet.

If your peacock is a female it will never colour up as female peacocks are really quite boring colour wise only the males get the showy colouring.
garfy said:
If your peacock is a female it will never colour up as female peacocks are really quite boring colour wise only the males get the showy colouring.

Is there any way to tell this early, he/she has an orangish tinge with a few blue specks.
Aquarist1234 said:
It's on the fins and the very top of his body.

Interesting I'm starting to lean towards a hap rather than a peacock.To be precise an electric blue hap or (Sciaenochromis ahli)
I used to own one he was a beautiful electric blue with orange finnage.A truly spectacular fish.
garfy said:
Interesting I'm starting to lean towards a hap rather than a peacock.To be precise an electric blue hap or (Sciaenochromis ahli)
I used to own one he was a beautiful electric blue with orange finnage.A truly spectacular fish.

Great! When do their colors start to show?
But I'm pretty sure it's a peacock because both of the parents were there and they were peacocks.
garfy said:
Were the parents blue with orange fins

No, they were orange with blue spots. One was a little dull though, I think that one was the female.
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