My new project - 300 gallons

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I purchased the tank new from for $850.00, the stand was $500.00. 440 lbs. of eco-complete gravel was $14.00 per 20 lbs., equalling $308.00. The Eheim Pro 3 was $415.00. The light fixture was $850.00. I have a automatic Co2 system that I've had a few years and put on this tank, it probably cost about $300.00. I also used my Eheim Pro 2 2128 from my 120g, don't remember the cost. Plus $80.00 in heaters, I did use a number of plants from my 120 but I also purchased, from Aqua Bitonic, $300.00 worth of new plants. I purchased way to many, I am now selling the overgrowth to a LFS, made back $100.00 so far on them. I just added a reactor for Purigen, I didn't want to put it into a filter. I am using an Ehiem pump on the reactor. It all cost about $150.00 extra. I did switch out the lights on the main fixture to 6700k bulbs, cost an extra $60.00. Lastly I added two 24" colalife fixtures at each end of the tank. They are 130 watts each but I can't tell you how much they were cause I had them already, they were on my 120g and I had them for a few years. The total I come up with, and this does not include the cost of the fish is, ONLY +/- $3800.00. Wow, I never added this up, I better not let my wife see this!!!
Very nice tank, you're doing a fantastic job! I love the shot of your apisto swimming around with your Blue Rams.
Wow! I'm going to start planning today! You have inspired me! You really have a sweet tank many hours a week do you spend doing maintenance and just tinkering around?
I do one 35 - 40% water change a week, add fertalizers once a week after the water change. A water change takes me about an hour and a half, that time is mainly spent on trimming plants. I have a pretty good system for water changes, I fill two 44 gallon rubbermaid Brute cans with water the day prior to water changes, airate, heat and declor over night. When I siphon I run the siphan into a 5 gallon bucket with a hose attached that goes out my back door and into the yard. I run one large vacuum with netting directly into the out bucket, then I run a second that I do some gravel cleaning with so I am running two vacuums at the same time. It seems to work well. The only other time I spend is feeding the fish and trying to find them all. I do have two Eheim filters on the tank and I maintain them ever four weeks, so every other week I am doing a filter cleaning, add another 1/2 hour.
Awesome tank! Looks amazing! I'd spend hours staring at that tank.

If you start breeding your praecox and have some extras I'd take some!
I did breed the praecox once but only got three to survive. I'm thinking of trying again, I'm better set up now. I have a few hundred Bolivian Ram fry, about a week old right now. Once they move out I will either try the praecox or my Congo Tetras. I really want to try the Congos.
wow, thats all I have to say. I cant imagine maintenance on that thing. but I bet its worth it.
your a local to me too lol.
That is one amazing setup, and your tank looks unbelieveable. 8) Looks like you did a ton of research before starting the tank.
I can only dream...maybe someday my wife will give me the ok to get somethign that big for the house ;)
Thats is one sweet setup.Great job man!!

Looks wonderful!!
if its not too confidentional, i'd really like to know how much something like that cost, with the plants and everything
Most of that is covered on page two of this thread hc8719.
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