My OBs had babies that are not OBs

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Sep 26, 2021
I have one big boy with 4 smaller younger girls. I saw 5 babies, 3-5 cm. Initially assumed they were OBs, given that’s all I have in that rank, but further reading suggests the OB genes skipped this hatch. I’m told they’re old enough to display OB markings, and no Blotches. Looks like I’m getting some little red& blue peacocks this time around. I am not trying to breed, but have plenty of room for more fish in my 90 gallon tanks.

I would add a pic but I don’t know how. I am asked for an URL when I hit an icon that looks like photos. I would need to access my own iPad photo files

Kudos to Alken for showing me how!


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Are they orange blotch peacocks (Aulonocara sp) or orange blotch zebras (Pseudotropheus sp)?

If there are no other adult fish besides their parents, one of the parents is either a hybrid or carrying other genes from having different coloured parents.

It's not an issue if you only want them as display fish, but they should not be used for breeding unless you can guarantee they are a true species.
They all peacocks hydride, the adults that is. I am not a breeder and am thrilled by these babies. I have two underpopulated large tanks and may move them. Will have to see how it goes. I would not want the big Dad OB competing with his sons for their own moms.
They all peacocks hydride, the adults that is. I am not a breeder and am thrilled by these babies. I have two underpopulated large tanks and may move them. Will have to see how it goes. I would not want the big Dad OB competing with his sons for their own moms.
Hello, if you have a Petco nearby you may want to call them to see if they will take fish. Petco will adopt them out & use money for pet based charities. They started this policy so unwanted fish won't be released for into public waters. Hopefully this helps!!!!!Screenshot_20221105-084755.jpg
Good to know. Yes, there’s a Petco nearby. Thanks. There’s also a few local Facebook fish groups where people can exchange fish.
Does anyone understand OB genetics? Is it simple Mendelian, involving dominant and recessive genes or is it multiallelic, meaning many genes that would make predicting ratios of OBs to peacock off spring difficult? I’m hunting for info without getting much by way of science based data. My 5 little guys are def peacocks. I’ve seen photos of smaller, younger fish that display OB markings. I wonder if these little guys carry recessive OB genes & could produce OB fry. They are adorable & I wish I could take better pictures. They stay close together and hide when the adults swim by.
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