my polyps close

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jul 31, 2011
I have had a ployps with 15 head for a while and it has closed up and has not opened up for three days. I do not know why it has stayed closed for the 3 days. My water is fine and i have had a salt spike. my salinty is at 28. :thanks:
I had the same problem recently and my LFS told me to run carbon for 24-48 hours and it worked perfect. They Came back out and are doing great. Seems like the polyps are very sensitive to pollutants/chems in the water and so the Carbon cleans it up. Not saying your water isnt right because I all my tests came out great. There must be some trace amount of something they dont like. Hope this Helps!
JLH-l3ioCub3 said:
I had the same problem recently and my LFS told me to run carbon for 24-48 hours and it worked perfect. They Came back out and are doing great. Seems like the polyps are very sensitive to pollutants/chems in the water and so the Carbon cleans it up. Not saying your water isnt right because I all my tests came out great. There must be some trace amount of something they dont like. Hope this Helps!

I had the same problem, when my skimmer crashed. Well not with that type of coral. Lol. Carbon is a great add to a tank with out a skimmer. The skimmer it's self will be just like carbon. That is if the skimmer is a low bio-load for the tank.
I had the same problem, when my skimmer crashed. Well not with that type of coral. Lol. Carbon is a great add to a tank with out a skimmer. The skimmer it's self will be just like carbon. That is if the skimmer is a low bio-load for the tank.

You need to run some carbon media all the time with a reef.
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