My Poor Betta!!!

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jul 9, 2011
North East, Indiana
I had picked up a little crowntail male beta, he is absolutely gorgeous.

Well I had him in my main 55g tank for awhile, and then I had picked up an angle fish and a few lyretails. So, to prevent any fighting and possibly death of my new comers, I put my beta is a small little gold fish bowl by my computer.

The water started getting filthy, and I didn't want my little guy to live like that. I picked up a little 3.5 gallon betta tank with a small filtration system (came with it) and he has been living happily there for a few weeks.

However, as I was feeding him today and just admiring him, I noticed he is now covered in white salty dots. I have always known this to be the dreaded ick, but never had to previously treat this..

How do I go about getting rid of this.. my poor guy isn't going to pass on is he?

------A side note------

His tank is getting cleaned regularly.

He does not have a heater as his tank is plastic, and the ac is on. So his tank might be pretty cold, could that cause it?
Ick can quite often be caused by stress and poor water parameters. Bettas are not meant to be in community tanks, and your little guy has been tossed around more than he cared for. Fish are very sensitive to temperature changes and fluctuations in pH. Air conditioning season brings on the ich if you wait too long to switch over to AC.

The natural method of curing ich is to:

raise the temp to 86

do gravel vacs every 2-3 days to remove ich spores from the substrate

add an airstone to increase oxygenation

maintain this schedule for 2 weeks minimum

What are the readings for ammonia, nitrite and nitrate?
Don't curse me for this, but I don't have a reader... I'm still new to the fish community. I have been meaning to pick one up. I've been referred to pick up the API Mastertest or Masterkey.

How can I raise the temp in the tank, I do not have a heater for him. I can get one though, do they make plastic safe ones that are for this small of a tank?
They make warming pads, which may work, but they also have ones that we got for our 5 gal. Betta tank. Walmart has some pretty cheap fish stuff, but mine have all lasted pretty long...
I'm sorry but I don't have experience with small tanks. I've never had anything smaller than a 10 gallon and used a standard heater on it.

You have to get your water tested. I would recommend it for both of your tanks. Did you cycle this smaller bowl before you put him in it? Are you aware of the nitrogen cycle?

I would also recommend the API test kit. You can get it on-line for about $23 and it lasts for hundreds of tests.
They make warming pads, which may work, but they also have ones that we got for our 5 gal. Betta tank. Walmart has some pretty cheap fish stuff, but mine have all lasted pretty long...

I saw one @ as well. I didn't know how efficient they would be as I cannot set the temp on any of these small ones. LyndaB said I should raise the temp to 86, but with my AC set to 70, an increase of 8-10 is only 80. I'd still be 6-8 degrees short.

I feel horribly for my betta right now, I should have thought of this before.

What if I set him infront of a window, would that help him out at all? It is 82 degrees out there with a Real Feel of 90.
Yeah just make sure you get one that is for the tank size you have, too small would be no good. There are deff. Some better brands availible, but for now that's prolly all good. The api mater test kit is going to be 25 to 30 bucks, but its super worth it! Don't get test strips they stink, lol. You may want to also check fish in cycling, so you know what the api tests actually mean
What if I set him infront of a window, would that help him out at all? It is 82 degrees out there with a Real Feel of 90.

Don't forget what I said. Rapid changes in temperature are harmful. I would not stick the tank by the window. You might boil him alive.
Yeah just make sure you get one that is for the tank size you have, too small would be no good. There are deff. Some better brands availible, but for now that's prolly all good. The api mater test kit is going to be 25 to 30 bucks, but its super worth it! Don't get test strips they stink, lol. You may want to also check fish in cycling, so you know what the api tests actually mean

I've done a lot of research on cycling, as I'm wanting to move up to a 75 gallon, and will be doing a fishless cycle to get the environment perfect before throwing in my little guys. I've been doing a lot of research, and am continuing to do a heavy amount more. I was given the current 55g that I have now, which I was told that it was very easy. Just clean it once a week and give them food, a 5 year old could do it.... wrong! :) I do love doing it though, and am loving learning how to take better care of them. I just wish I could have prepared better before I jumped right in.

Don't forget what I said. Rapid changes in temperature are harmful. I would not stick the tank by the window. You might boil him alive.

Aw, that poor little guys. I don't eat fish, so that would just be a lose lose situation.

So the plan is:

1) Get a new heater to raise temp.

2) Borrow a line from my 55 tank blower and put it his tank to increase oxygen.

3) Every 2 days gravel vac it..

4) Pick up a test kit

------------Side note---------------

How much water should I remove when doing this gravel vac'in, as he only has a 3.5 gallon tank. Would 1 gallon be safe enough? I could just dump it straight to a milk jug.
I would say do at least 50% while he's sick, the 3.5 is still a bit small, as bettas really require at least 5, but you should be ok.. could you upload a pic of his condition? Make sure when you get a heater, get one that has an adjustable temp. Some smaller ones have just a set temp. We have one that never hits above 80, but never under that may be a factor. When doing pwc's (partial water change) make sure the water in is the same as water out temp wise. It doesn't have to be exact, as fish are more tolerant of temp swings than people realize (day and night happens in nature, and temps go everywhere) but, in front of a window , in a small tank like that, may heat up well above the desired temp, as was previously written. There are also medications you can get to treat ich (some have blue dye that stains your tank, so be careful!) Another thought is adding salt, but without a hydrometer, you've no real way to know when its too much..
Id say at least a 50%, and a later 25% water change daily until the conditions favor up. But don't worry, all is ok, even experienced aquarist can have things get bad quick, you just have to know what to do :)
Good luck, and keep us posted!
I'm going to do his water change now, I'll remove 50% of the water. I use a relatives camera when taking pictures as it's quite a bit nicer than mine. With mine, I cannot get a good picture out of it for my tanks.

He is not bad as opposed to pictures that I've seen on the net, I caught it very early. I check on my fish 3-4 times a day as I adore the little guys. Usually 2-3 times during the morning and 1 time after work before I go to bed.

----Pics from net----

He is NOT like this.

He just has small white dots (pretty spaced out) on his fins and some on his body. He isn't 'covered' in it, just spotty. I want to keep it from getting to where he's covered.
Water change complete.

I will go out tomorrow morning and grab a new heater.

Won't be able to pick up the test kit til Friday and will probably buy some ick medicine.

Thanks guys!
You really don't need meds for ich. Most have success just by raising heat and doing gravel vacs every 2-3 days. Save yourself the money. Not to mention, it'll be next to impossible to correctly dose that size tank.
Now he's not wanting to eat though. He sucks it in and shoots it right back out his mouth. Then he moves on to the next one and repeats it. I use betta flakes, and he has always ate them up until today. :(
He's sick. He probably doesn't feel like eating. Fasting him for a few days won't hurt him.

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