My Re-scaped 55G....

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jul 24, 2005
Wenatchee, WA
Well, I did a 90% PWC today, as I pulled everything out of the tank, except the substrate of course, and ran my hands through the PFS thoroughly. I also pulled 1 Emperor 400 off and thoroughly cleaned the housing out. Will do the other one next week. I left the biowheel, etc, in the tank while I did it. And yes, this tank has a very bad algae problem, lol. I'm running 130W lighting with no plants. Could be the problem, lol.

Will get a better shot in the evening, as the sun is blaring through the slider glass door. Hard to get good pics where this tank is.

Here's a before shot......


Here's my 55G now......






Wow, man. That's awesome!
It would be cool if the fish were wearing the pirate outfits, too!
thats really wierd. it looked like the tanks were emptied out, and then i see a fish floating there.... really clear water and/or a really good camra
A skull would look nice in there too, with fish swimming in and out of the eye sockets...
I think you can buy it at your local wall-mart.
krap101 said:
thats really wierd. it looked like the tanks were emptied out, and then i see a fish floating there.... really clear water and/or a really good camra

Water is crystal clear, I'm using a Nikon D70s Digital SLR with a 17-70mm lens.

mauve said:
A skull would look nice in there too, with fish swimming in and out of the eye sockets...
I think you can buy it at your local wall-mart.

No room, lol. I didn't even have room for a small fake plant, lol. It's a 55G, which is only 12" from front to back, and the ship is huge, only an inch from the front glass and even less from the back, lol. Wish it was a 75G to get an angle on the ship halves, would look better, but can't in the 55G.

I also like how the front part of the shipwreck rests on the driftwood. Pretty cool.
Well, I decided to add a few plants to see what would happen, lol. I added 2 baby swords that I got from my 75G again, lol. They keep sending out shoots, then flower. I also added 3 stems of anacharis. Will see how they do, and when my anacharis regrows in my 75G again, will add more stems. Will look cool with the shipwreck....
Added a few more pics. I added 2 pieces of driftwood, and a couple plants.....

Tank shot...

Right side...
Sword in right front corner. Small Wisteria branch in front of hollow log. anacharis by the Emperor 400 intake and also between shipwreck pieces.

Left Side...
Anacharis between shipwreck pieces and at the bow of the ship, and a sword plantlet in the left front corner.
I'm not always big on using artificial decoration because often it just looks cheesey. Not yours! Great tank, I love the look. It looks like something I could see going scuba diving.
One thing that did help is removing those cheesy fake plants that were on the shipwreck, lol. The shipwreck actually looks pretty good. And now if I can get some real plants growing around it a little, will make for an interesting setup.

Anyine knows of a nice forground plant that would work in front of the shipwreck? There's between an inch and an inch and a half between the ship and the glass, lol. Maybe dwarf sag?
I have to ask Wolf. How in the world do you get the fish to stay still for pics? Do you sit there motionless for hours on end to catch them? LOL. My fish are camera shy, they see the camera, they run!
LOL, take the pics at night. They are attracted to the flash, lol. At least mine are, lol. When I bring the cameraa, they come front and center, lol.

Either that or it's because I'm so nice to them, lol. And they know they'll get food, lol.

Let's see, what other things could it be, LOL.

Oh, the last possibility is LUCK, lol. Especially with the skunk loaches ripping across the tank, lol.

And when I take the pics, I'm right next to the tank, lol. With the camera on Macro, lol.

To be honest, I have my fish trained, lol. (y)
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