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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Jan 15, 2005
Edmotnon, AB
and you all thought it was a lie.....

Is a gravel substrate ok for carydoras? (estes 1-3mm gravel)
Thanks.. (told ya)
I have cories on disco gravel, you know, that bright colored stuff.(wife picked it out) Thay do just fine. Are they going in the new tank? :D
I had a gravel substrate with my Cories and they were fine. But it must be smooth. I'm not sure about the size, but the key is that it needs to be smooth gravel.
thanks for the quick replies. It is rounded polished gravel sold for aquariums (estes). Bassman yes that is the plan. Not yet though, down the road a little.
I plan on having groups of different cories. 3 each: adolfi's, sterbai and not sure on the others. Maybe albino, just don't know yet.
If possible, rub it between two fingers and if it feels sharp, then it is not a good choice. Also make sure it is pretty small. Corys are constantly rooting through the gravel and if the diameter is larger then debris can collect out of their reach, and it will decay and cause problems for them. You can always tell the health of a cory based on the condition of its barbels.
Wow that was short. Mazda im not sure cuz it is a little blurry but I think I have the exact same substrate as you. It is estes and it came in 25 lbs and 5 lbs so i bought 30. The cories I own are three Julii. I love the way they look. The gravel is round but is it polished with a coating or polished just from rolling around in a river? I'm wondering about my plants.
Got half my corys on gravel...they do just dandy. Aldolfoi, eh? From where, and how much are they soaking you? WC adults have been pretty dear the past couple of years.

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