My so called pregnet molly

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jul 13, 2011
I thought my dalmation Molly was pregnet because she was really fat but couple days later she got skinny again and I had her in a breeding cage thing so I know she didn't have baby's and it keeps happening and so I stopped feeding her for 2 days an she got fat again during those 2 days....... WHAT IS HAPPENING... Please help:):):)
She could be bloated. Otherwise i have no clue, maybe an expert can help
when livebearers(like mollys) get pregnant,the eggs mature in them and they get fat,then when the eggs hatch they get skinny and then the fru grow in them and they get fat again
Iv never had that happpen with any of my mollies could you post any pics of her?
She could either be bloated or she ate all her babies. IME, the first drop is usually sort of small, so it is possible that she ate them all. What are you feeding her?
Dried blood worms cause can cause bloat. I lost a molly who over-ate blood worms and a second one barely pulled through. You should feed a high quality flake food and only use dried blood worms as a treat. The bottle suggests only giving it 1 or 2 times a week.
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