My tanks thoughts? tips? ideas?

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Feb 25, 2011
North Bay, ON
this is my 40gal pirahna tank water tested today befor my regular twice monthy water change: ph 6.1, ammonia 0.5ppm, nitrites 0, nitrates aprox 60ppm..i am using a low dose of flourish and using a large air stone to create more cirulation/disolved O2 and CO2
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yes i know the glass is dirty thet is the outside i spilt a bit when i was filling it back up and didnt bother to wipe it off. ther is a fine layer of some sort of algea not to worried about it tho.

this is my small 10gal tank it has 1 weather loach(visable), 1 clown loach (2"), and one buenos aries tetra(visable) i dont even want but is to fast to catch. water tested today ph 7.4 (despite all the wood), ammonia 0ppm, nitrite 0ppm, nitrate 30ppm.. no heath problems with any of the fish tho the clown loach does hide in the little crevice on the bottom of the tower when i walk by. that wood should sink any day now
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thinking of getting rid of the tetra getting another small clown loach, some floating plant 3-4 marble hatchetfish, 3-4 glass cats and 2 red line barbs. the light is only a 25 wat bulb. i am running air for the exact same reason as the other tank i do have 1 small java fern floating around and a clump of java moss attached to the floating wood (with a low dose of flourish as well). the circulation and current in the tank is faster then usualy because of the air...sudgestions for stocking are always welcome my LFS and "fish guy" can order almost anyting in...I DONT WANT DAINOS OR GUPPYS
For a 10g you really should think of getting rid if the clown loach. It will out grow that tank. I also believe hatchetfish get pretty large. Maybe you should think of a fiddler crab or some shrimp and then a couple of white skirt tetras.

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i would only go with a few 3-4 and they are almost 100% top water even the dwarf variety i wouldnt mind they are much smaller.. i also dont like any of the skirt tetras that is kinda why i want to get rid of the buenos.. i was thinking of getting some kind of crab or crayfish but most crabs you need to have lower water and lots of stuff out of the water so they can kinda climb around..... thoughts on the glass cats?
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