My very first tank!

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
May 17, 2013
I just realized I never shared what my tank looks like. So here is a pic of my very 1st tank. It's a 20 g


  • image-1124214413.jpg
    167.2 KB · Views: 169
Its lovely.!! May i ask what kind of heater do you use??

Sorry but im not sure. There was no label on the heater box. It came as a set with the tank. I do know that I have a penguin 150 filter in there.
Sorry but im not sure. There was no label on the heater box. It came as a set with the tank. I do know that I have a penguin 150 filter in there.

Ohhh hehe its ok i was just curious because im thinking on buying a new heater but not sure which one will be a good one..
Nice tank. If you got a dark background, or paint a dark color background, the fishes color will be brighter. Plus not seeing all the wires is nice too.. I'm using a dark blue towel as a background right now on my 50 for right now and it really makes a difference imo
Nice tank. If you got a dark background, or paint a dark color background, the fishes color will be brighter. Plus not seeing all the wires is nice too.. I'm using a dark blue towel as a background right now on my 50 for right now and it really makes a difference imo

Thanks for the tip. I will try that..
It looks kind of like a gumball machine threw up!

So colorful. I'm a natural kind of tank owner but it looks good, as long as you like to look at it, that's all the matters..
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