My water is cloudy... WHY??

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Sep 27, 2013
API master kit shows 6.8 PH no Ammonia no Nitrites and about 80 ppm of nitrate I believe my tank has finally cycled but why is my water still cloudy I feed my fish once a day very anal about how much. lately its been every other day because I was having ammonia problem so I just dont get the cloudy water. I use a aquaclear 110 filter I have 5 platys 2 mollys 4 tetras 2 pectis cats 2 dwarf garamis 3 clown loaches and 1 BGK
API master kit shows 6.8 PH no Ammonia no Nitrites and about 80 ppm of nitrate I believe my tank has finally cycled but why is my water still cloudy I feed my fish once a day very anal about how much. lately its been every other day because I was having ammonia problem so I just dont get the cloudy water. I use a aquaclear 110 filter I have 5 platys 2 mollys 4 tetras 2 pectis cats 2 dwarf garamis 3 clown loaches and 1 BGK

That's alot of nitrate you need do water change f its above 40
Could that be causing the cloudy water.. and what oercentage of water should I change
Looks like algae bloom ... You could do a big water change and black out tank for a while with something so no light gets in like 50% water change
Not sure but algae feeds off of it I think. And I would do a 50 % water change next day too cuz I think 50 % WC would get u to 40 nitrate and I try keep mine under 10
Its not really a green cloudy its more milky white I would say the green is the refelction from the gravel and fake plants
Not sure then.. But water change is still needed and may help... Maybe try feeding a bit less food
And the problem with blacking out the tank is I have some live plants
Well there's no need to blackout unless its algae bloom .. Plus if it is you can move plants to a bucket for a while ... I would put the water in your tank in a clear cup just to see if it looks green against white background to be sure
When my water was slightly cloudy I added and extra 20 gal filter and changed about 50% water. Then I just made sure to turn lights off after about 9 hours of use, it seems to have worked! What fish so you have and what filter are you runnin?
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