Mystery Fish

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jan 15, 2011
I have a picture of a friend's fish that I cannot identify. She does not remember it's name. It is from Mexico (lakes) and was just recently allowed in the U.S. It has external gills that are reddish in color with a lungfish type dark body marked like a leopard. I have a photo, but don't know how to send it with this message.
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click "go advanced" below, then click manage attachments, upload the picture, close the window and post, the picture should pop up.
if it has legs it is a axolotl, if does not have legs im clueless. these are not a fish at all they are actually members of the newt/salamander family. they are close relatives of the tiger salamander, but they never under go metamorphosis( mature fully and switch to living on land) in rare cases they under go metamorphosis and then will need land, instead of water. they can grow up to a foot long and live for upwards of thirty years. they eat live food(worms small fish, insect larvae, etc.)
+1 for SirJeebz. Sounds like an axolotl to me. One LFS by me has axolotls in normal, albino, and glow in the dark. They're really cute when they're tiny.

I suppose it could also be a siren, another amphibian, but I don't think those have external gills.
It's sounds like you are most likely describing a Mexican Walking Fish. (Well, that's it's common name) Check out these pictures to see if this looks like the fish your talking about.
As I believe someone before me has mentioned, this is actually not a fish but rather part of the Salamander species.
Hope this helps :)

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What a great little face. I'd be afraid I'd kill it. I don't know anything about regular amphibians. Those cuties look a little exotic.
I agree, adorable faces, it looks as though they are smiling! :)
I would love to have one, but yeah I've never seen or heard of any being sold anywheres near me before. Again i agree, They must be exotic.

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