Name the prettiest MacroAlgae you can think of!

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Aquarium Advice Addict
May 5, 2003
Greenwood, SC
Okay peeps, the time is coming close to starting my MacroAlgae tank. My goal: Is to make the prettiest MacroAlgae-only tank that can possibly be compared to reefs maybe! (Okay far fetched maybe, but who cares :p ) :twisted: - Anyway please name if possible the prettiest MacroAlgae that you've seen and if at all possible show a pic of it. I want to compile a list of algaes so I can review and start blueprinting my tank and eventually start the selection process. After that I will need to research their needs and the such. Thanks everyone for helping out... I really can't wait to start the fun! Buwahaha... :D
Too late for me to look up pics :D but I have always been partial to halimeda, gracilliaras and shaving brush algae. You might also look into the sea grasses and mangroves.
I'll ditto what Kevin said - Halimeda is very nice looking for a Macro. Gracilaria is a nice deep-red/purple color.

A couple thoughts--

- Calcareous algaes such as Halimeda, Neomeris, and couple others are dependent on calcium for growth, and as such, if not kept relatively small, will deplete a lot of calcium from a system.

- As far as a "macro tank" - be careful with your choices. With refugiums, I have found that there are always some algaes that will "out-compete" others. These are usually caulerpas. In essence, these macros can absorb more nutrients, and grow more quickly than the other macros - leaving little food (and space) for their neighbors.

thanks reeflady, I have noticed that from my research and from what people have told me thats why I am only devising a list now, and then will thoroughly research them after I feel a list has been complete before actually sticking anything in the tank :)
I love the suggestions so far, been reading about the nice colors some of these give off (hope they do it for me too!). Keep it coming! I love reading about what people think of certain macroalgaes and their picks :D - I get my LR on wednesday woo hoo! the day draws near.. buwahahaha! :twisted:
Don't know what the technical name is, but I love my red grape:) Here's a pic of it up close and in my 29 gallon nano.....HTH
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