Nano lighting

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Aug 12, 2005
Canada Ont, Owen Sound
Quick question it may be a silly one but here it is I am thinking of a nano reef like 10gals would the screw in flo's work ? You know the 10 watt equals 50 so to speak I just received a 10gal with double inc type bulbs if not any sugestions I have never touched saltwater I would like something with maybe a clown and blood shrimp just basic's
It depends on what you want to keep. If you are interested in corals I would consider using a CF lighting fixture rather then a NO flouresent one.
The screw in florecent bulbs wont have the specitrum to properly support corals. The spectirum will be fairly yellow and will contain alot of red light where as the specitrum we put over our tanks is mostly white light and contains little red and a fair amount of blue specitrum. The whole 10watt = 50watt isnt really a player here. What they are doing is compairing the light output of a florecent bulb with that of an incadecent bulb. Basicly saying a 50W incadecent puts out as much light as a 10W florecent but uses 5X the energy to do so as compaired to the florecent.

If you dont do corals than you wont need much in the way of light but algae will feed of the yellower lights more than the whiter specitrum bulbs. If you dive into corals a CF fixture with a quad 96W bulb would be great.
Coralife makes a 20 watt 50/50 screw in CF bulb. I use one on my 5 gal. Works ok but would not be much for a 10 gal. I built a 2x32 PC fixture in a custom canopy for a 10 gal for around $50.
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